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Most expensive App you have ever bought?

Iv bought a few apps which were £2.99. I think 1 was splashtop.

I usually wait for things to go down in price to 59p lol.

I got dungeon hunter 1 and 2 on the iPad for 59p each awhile back :D

Sent from my iPod touch using iPF

I am the same! I love to get Apps for my iPad for just £0.59 I always feel like I have got a bargain when I get a good App for this price!
Omnifocus for iPad @ £23.99 for me. Worth every penny...

This App looks so beautiful, clean and smooth looking at it on the App World. Like many others, if it is an App that you use on a daily basis and find is making your life easier then the price is worth it!

£23.99 does seem quite a lot for a task manager but it looks so perfect and easy and smooth to use. I am sure it is definitely one of its best in the task management category.
Brindley said:
Do you find that this product was worth that much? Do you use it enough to make that price worthwhile?

I probably wouldn't spend this much on an App, unless I knew it was going to be completely worth it and that I would get my use out of it!

Why did you decide on 'DocsToGo' instead of 'iWorks' Pages etc?

I think it's worth it. In the grand scheme of things it's really not that much. I got it instead of pages so that I could edit word, excel, PowerPoint and PDF files. If I wanted all that functionality with iworks it would cost me $30 and I still couldn't save docs in office format, I would have to save them in the format supported by those apps. I could open office files but couldn't edit and save them as office files whereas with docstogo I can. The dropbox and google docs support is also great, not sure if iworks supports that or not.
Brindley said:
This App looks so beautiful, clean and smooth looking at it on the App World. Like many others, if it is an App that you use on a daily basis and find is making your life easier then the price is worth it!

£23.99 does seem quite a lot for a task manager but it looks so perfect and easy and smooth to use. I am sure it is definitely one of its best in the task management category.

Yeah, I love it. I work on a lot of different projects at once, and at many locations. It handles both these things really well. It also has cloud syncing and integrates well with the iPhone version. You are right, it is too much for a todo tool, but it is the right one for me...
My most expensive (and only paid app so far) is Office 2 HD. I bought it for £5 to work with Word/Excel files.

It is surprising Appstore boasts of having 150,000 apps yet not a free app for rich text editing!
The most I paid for and app was $14.99 for MLB at Bat 2011.
But I have gotten a few $29.99 apps when they were free by watching the apps in Appshopper.
I also wouldn't hesitate to spend over $20 on an app if I know it is a good app and will get a lot of use out of it.
My most expensive is the Pleco dictionary with the advanced Chinese dictionaries, about $100.

I also have a few birding guides like the Sibley's which run about $20-30 each.
All three iWork apps at full price.
Several EA games when they were on sale
Jump Desktop... best purchase ever.

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