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Mother Earth Language

Each and every one of us... is a powerful aspect of creation,

each and every one of us has the capability to know whatever we need to know, to have whatever we need to have...

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
Everything in the universe is energy...
everything is energy, matter is energy...
it is like crystalized energy.

In the same way that we have steam, water and ice. They are all different forms of the same thing...

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
Energy is like the steam...

it moves around, it expands... it goes where it will... very fluid.

Matter is like ice... solidified water, but its all made of the same thing....

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by: csllanna)
Energy is like the steam... Matter is like ice... but its all made of the same thing.

It depends upon the vibration.

When you're a high vibration... a high frequency... you are energy.

When you are a s-l-o-w vibration... a s-l-o-w frequency, you are matter.....

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
When you change the way you think, the way you act,

You are changing your frequency....

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
If your beliefs and ideas say that things have to be hard, then you will feel sold,

and things will become difficult, to the point where you hardly know how to move at all....

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
you can learn new ideas... ideas that have higher energy to them.

When you learn how to see things in new ways and they bring higher energy,

then things are easy...

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
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When you learn how to see things in new ways,

they bring higher energy, the universe moves easily,

you can change things quickly, you can create things in your life, attract things in your life... quickly... smoothly....

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)
When you learn how to see things in new ways and they bring higher energy,

When you change your idea... when you change your thoughts,

when you learn how to see things differently,

when you learn how to define your reality differently,

then things happen differently!...

(Camera : Nikon P300, Photograph by : csllanna)

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