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Mouse with iPad air 2?


iPF Noob
I have an iPad air 2 and love it. I rarely use my pc anymore and honestly if I could use a mouse with it then I wouldn't need a pc. It's mainly so I can put payroll in for work. It's nearly impossible to do with a touch screen but a mouse makes it work well. I'm currently running iOS 8.1 . Can I jailbreak and get a mouse to work along side a Bluetooth keyboard? Better yet... Is there an aftermarket keyboard with a trackpad built in that will work with the iPad air 2 jail broken? Maybe one that's not specifically for the iPad? Thanks.
Hm, If you're doing the payroll thing via Safari on the iPad, you might try the Puffin browser. It's mostly a Flash enabled browser, but because so many Flash sites need cursor control Puffin had virtual trackpad and gamepad inputs.

There is a free trial version (14 days I believe), so you can test it out.

As far as I know, iOS does not have cursor capability built in, so a mouse wouldn't be of any use.

Correct. The only way to use a cursor is if the app itself supports one. This is usually done with a virtual mouse or trackpad, as with Puffin. It is probably possible for an app to add support for a Bluetooth mouse, but they would need to write the interface into the app. iOS doesn't have support for bluetooth mice.

iOS is designed for touch, so a cursor isn't necessary in most native apps. There are only two places/times (that I can think of) where a cursor/mouse is desirable.

One is on a website that doesn't support mobile very well. Some types of menus and options may require a mouse to reveal pop-up menus and other features. These sites are getting rare, but many may still be found in enterprise environments where change can be slow. This is where Puffin may help with it's virtual trackpad.

The other is when you use the iPad to remote access another computer. In this scenario you are using your iPad as a screen and input device to control a desktop computer. Since the computer is designed to be used with a mouse or trackpad, touch controls don't always translate well. For this reason most remote desktop clients for iOS have some kind of virtual trackpad or mouse mode.

With Splashtop (my app of choice) the entire iPad screen can be a trackpad. It takes a little getting used to, but it works.
I was under the impression that you could use a mouse by jailbreaking but if it's not possible then I'll scrap that notion. On my jobs payroll website it gives two options. One is an html site that you need a mouse for. The other is a Java site that works a lot betterand doesn't need a mouse. I've heard about some Java enabled browsers but haven't really tried them. Are their any that are worth trying? If I can get this working then I can eliminate needing my laptop anymore. I use my iPad for everything except payroll anymore.
You can use a mouse on a jailbroken iPad. Which iOS version is your iPad Air 2 on? There's currently no available jailbreak for iOS 8.2 or 8.3.
I believe Puffin will work with most Java sites as well. Give the free version a try and see.

As for the jailbreak method, even it you could install it there is no guarantee that it will work properly with a website. In a native app like Safari a jailbreak mouse would probably simulate the same actions that you use touch for. Actions that can not be done by touch would require the jailbreak to modify Safari's features, not just add a mouse pointer.

Third party bowsers might have be more capable, and in all likely hood there would be a jailbreak browser specifically for the jailbreak mouse solution.

That's mostly guesswork on my part, but my main point is that there is more to mouse support than the visible cursor on the screen. How the apps respond to the cursor is at least as important, and apps not designed for a mouse are unlikely to support all the features we are used to getting with a mouse; like right click, hover menus, scroll wheels, pop-up menus, dragging, etc.
That's the problem in trying to force an iPad into doing something it was never designed to do.
I am running iOS 8.1 . I just need basic point and click with a mouse to get the cursor where I need it. The payroll program is older than the hills and resembles dos. To move from one field to another you either use tab or the arrow key. The problem is that the back arrow key moves you forward as well so to get to the field you need is a real pain and time consuming.
I tried using puffin browser and no luck with it running the Java version of our payroll site. I'll try other browsers if I find them.
I believe iOS 8.1 can still be jailbroken, if you choose to go that route. Check out the Hacking section of this forum for information and instructions on jailbreaking. Start with the sticky posts at the beginning of the section.

Sticky posts are the blue highlighted ones at the top of the thread list. If you are using Tapatalk, there is a "Sticky" item at the top of the thread list.

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