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Move pictures inside the album


iPF Noob
I'm using iPad3. Using Dropbox I uploaded my pictures to Camera Roll album. Now I have all my pictures in place by some of them are not in the order I'd like to have.
Is there an option to re-arrange pictures inside the iPad album?
susja said:
I'm using iPad3. Using Dropbox I uploaded my pictures to Camera Roll album. Now I have all my pictures in place by some of them are not in the order I'd like to have.
Is there an option to re-arrange pictures inside the iPad album?

Not sure if this will work, I have only done it with pics taken by iPad, not downloaded from Dropbox but worth a try.

Dark Angelwitch (Surrey)


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Thanks for reply.
Unfortunately it didn't work for me.
It allowed me only to select the picture for copy/share/delete but not to move it.
I just tried it in one of my PHoto albums and it works fine. Open your album, click on the curved arrow on top right, then hold down the photo to be moved and don't take your finger off it but slide it to its new place. When you are finished rearranging, then click done. You will see the photo you are holding down with finger 'enlarge' a bit and be 'loose' and then you can just slide it into place. I just rearranged a whole album that way

BTW, these weren't taken with the Ipad but uploaded with the CC from an SD card from my camera. I didn't try any I had 'opened with' rom Dropbox though, but I don't see a difference. I usually transfer from my PC with one of the Transfer apps rather than using Dropbox but I have done it both ways. These were uploaded as raws + jpegs, processed as jpegs (I think all in this album) and saved from Snapseed or maybe PHotogene and then moved into this album from the Camera Roll. The originals were deleted from events and uploaded to my PC from my SD cards (to be clear, I upload to Ipad but I also upload directly to my PC from the same cards--just like to see the pics on Ipad immediately so always carry it with my cameras).

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That's really useful info Diane -I use photo apps a lot and I didn't realise the images could be re-ordered in the native photos app! Very handy when setting off a slideshow...Just goes to show the learning goes on and on...!
That's really useful info Diane -I use photo apps a lot and I didn't realise the images could be re-ordered in the native photos app! Very handy when setting off a slideshow...Just goes to show the learning goes on and on...!

I'm running 6.0. In an album my upper right options are Slideshow and Edit. Select edit and select a picture and hold and then it will be draggable. Move as many as you want and select done to finish. It worked for native pics and pics I had copied from Internet.
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I'm running 6.0. In an album my upper right options are Slideshow and Edit. Select edit and select a picture and hold and then it will be draggable. Move as many as you want and select done to finish. It worked for native pics and pics I had copied from Internet.
finally I found the answer I've been looking for, thanks a stack.
iOS 7 upgrade

I just wanted to pass on a bit of information that worked for me. With the upgrade to the new iOS 7 I found the screens were a little different than they used to be. The edit button that used to be in the upper corner was no longer there and I wasn't able to easily move the pictures around in the album as I wanted. I had a photo album of some pictures that I had downloaded from my computer onto my iPad and they were all stuck in place. Regardless of what buttons I pushed or how I Pressed on the pictures it would not allow me to move the pictures to change the order. What I ended up doing to get the pictures put into the order I wanted them to Be in was created a new folder and then move the pictures into the folder one at a time and they were in the order I wanted to be. Also I found that once I had them in the folder I could press on the picture and hold it and then when the picture raised under my fingertip I could move it where I wanted within that newly created folder. This at least allowed me to have the pictures for a slideshow in the specific order that I wanted them to be in.
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I'm using new IOS7 and you can move the pic inside the album without reloading into another album...all you have to do is open the album,click the select in top right corner,then press and hold the pic,then you can move it were ever you want it!!

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