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Movie Transfer Problem


iPF Noob
I have ripped some of my DVD's using DVDFab8 HD (free) and have about 20-25 movies in the iTunes under movies. I have synced the iPad 2 prior to this and have been able to download the videos to the iPad 2 without any problems. Now this AM I tried to sync the iPad and iTunes and it only downloaded about 7 of the 20-25 movies. The iPad is showing 48 GB available.

Any help on this problem?

can you question that again in clearer english please?

you say you've already synced the movies once no problem. then you say you synced them again and only 7 movies synced. if you've already synced them once why sync them again? i'm missing something in translation here me thinks.

am i reading this right?
I'll try and make it clearer for you.

They synced about 3 weeks ago. They now will not completely download all the movies in the movie section of iTunes.

NO..........did not select them all.

But, about 5 minutes ago, I rebooted the PC and then connect the iPad and was able to load about 28 movies from the 40 I have in the movie section of iTunes.

Will try and select them all when I sync again. But, 28 was better than the 8 it got yesterday.


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