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Movies Problem


iPF Noob
Hi all,

I bought new ipad 2 with ios version 5.1. I guess its not possible to jailbreak it. But my concern is how to watch movies. I converted my movie file to ipad 2 format using Sothink Video Convertor. I was able to add it to itunes on my PC under music>recently added. But the same file is not viewable on my ipad. Kindly suggest.

Thanks in advance

I would check your converter settings and try again. If it states it has converted to iPad format, then it should work.

Also check you are adding it to itunes correctly, I just drag my movie files onto itunes library and it automatically adds them to the Movies library.
I never bother converting anything. I just download an app that plays all file types. That and I use air video to stream films direct from my pc

Sent from my iPad 3
I converted it to .mp4 format...and drageed it imto itune. The same is showing in itune but mot visible in ipad

I would check your converter settings and try again. If it states it has converted to iPad format, then it should work.

Also check you are adding it to itunes correctly, I just drag my movie files onto itunes library and it automatically adds them to the Movies library.

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