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moving/saving in Bookmarks Bar


iPF Noob
please help - I want to save some bookmarks in the bookmarks bar or move saved bookmarks to the bookmarks bar - the 3-lines icon doesn't let me swipe the bookmark up into the bar which is empty - so how ... ? I'm enjoying the swiping thing btw but I have found a few websites that can't be navigated because their vertical slider bar is not displayed in the iPad!
please help - I want to save some bookmarks in the bookmarks bar or move saved bookmarks to the bookmarks bar - the 3-lines icon doesn't let me swipe the bookmark up into the bar which is empty - so how ... ? I'm enjoying the swiping thing btw but I have found a few websites that can't be navigated because their vertical slider bar is not displayed in the iPad!

To navigate web pages that don't have a slider bar or are embedded frames, you need to use the iPad's two-finger scroll gesture. Instead of scrolling the page with one finger, which normally moves the entire window, you use two fingers simultaneously. I normally use my first and second finger. Lightly touch the screen with the two fingers and then drag the window either horizontally or vertically. It takes a bit of practice - to begin with I ended up with entirely unintended consequences - but it soon becomes second nature.

Touch the bookmarks icon, touch 'edit', touch the forward arrow of the bookmark you want to add to the bookmark bar, then you'll be give a choice of the folder you want to put that bookmark into, choose 'bookmark bar'

By the way, you can put folders into the bookmark bar and then, when you select that folder from the bookmark bar, a drop-down menu appears with the folder contents.

Thank you very much again, Tim ... easy when you know how :o I will keep trying to figure things out for myself and of course in the last resort .... RTFM
Touch the bookmarks icon, touch 'edit', touch the forward arrow of the bookmark you want to add to the bookmark bar, then you'll be give a choice of the folder you want to put that bookmark into, choose 'bookmark bar'

By the way, you can put folders into the bookmark bar and then, when you select that folder from the bookmark bar, a drop-down menu appears with the folder contents.


Will this technique with a new ipad2, iOS 7.1?
Thank You

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