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MP3 having trouble getting it into iTunes


iPF Novice
I subscribe to a subscription service that sends me a MP3 each month. I open it and it opens directly into my itunes as an audiobook. This month when opening the download, it opened in the iQ player. A search for the file shows it in my iMac as a movie file and it will not move over to itunes. I have tried clicking and draging but it snaps back to the area it is in.

I like it in the audio section so I can sync it with my iPhone and listen to the file while driving.

I have contacted customer service but so far no responce from them at all for over a week. Either they are on vaction or they are inundated with people having the same or similar problems. That doesn't matter, what matters is trying to get it into iTunes on my iMac so I can sync it into my iphone. Any suggestions?
Try this....With your device connected to iTunes go up to the menu bar and click on file. When the drop down menu opens select add a file. Navigate to where your file is located on your computer and click on it. this should add the MP3 to your library and sync to move onto your device. If that helps hit the "like" button for me:D
Customer service just got back to me. Seems that the udgraded Ios and Safari are adding an extention to the Mp3 file which directs it to the iQ player and keeps it from going to iTunes. They recommended deleting the current file, then opening Firefox and downloading it again and it will open inside iTunes as an audiobook like always. I will try it tonight. For whatever reason I didn't think of this, because I didn't put two and two together, but I had upgraded to the new Ios between the last Mp3 and this one.

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