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Multiple iOS devices, why separate update for each?


iPF Noob
I have four active iOS devices - ipod IV, iPad mini2, iPad Air and new iPad Pro. Every time a new OS update, I have to download a LARGE file separately for each device.

I do not understand why Apple does not just generate one update file that can adapt to the individual models. (After all, every App has to do that, to be fully universal, or at least within the range of more than just the most current devices.... It would save them MASSIVE amounts of server clog, it seems that almost every iDevice user I know has more than one. iPhone or iPod for 'lifestyle' - shopping, contacts, phone index, etc. or something larger for business/study use. Even if only 10% of us have more than one iP?d, the option for a multi-device version as an option would still save Apple - and the users - a lot of bandwidth.
The iOS that runs on different devices is optimized for each device, making the version for one device incompatible with a different model. If you have two devices of the same model number, the same download file can be used for both.

If Apple made a universal version of iOS that worked for all compatible devices the size of the update file would be considerably larger, meaning you'd likely be using even more bandwidth if you updated by using the OTA method or by using the update button in iTunes on your computer.

Having a version of iOS designed specifically for your device makes for more efficient operation when there's not a lot of redundant code taking up storage space on your device.
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What gets installed is one thing, what gets downloaded is another. By having one universal set for all current iOS devices (as well as the individual files for owners of just one device) it should be not more than 20% or so larger than a onesie. If there is THAT much difference between an iPad 2 and an iPad mini3 some design team is not doing their job right.

But it's not really for me to say. Just tired of getting dinged by AT&T for download overload. And waiting all day for 5 updates to download.

Such is life (sigh...)
You could start the downloads before you go to bed, that way they'd be ready to install in the morning.

BTW, Apple only allows iOS downloads over WiFi. How can you exceed your cellular data limit?
Just to reinforce SciFan's comments, Apple indeed releases numerous IPSW firmware update packages for its products - take a look at the list for iOS 9.2.1 HERE; also evident from that list is that a specific update is model-dependent (even Wi-Fi vs. cellular models differ in the file needed).

The other issue if you do own identical models of iDevices is the process needed to use the same file for each device - a somewhat outdated description that is probably still applicable can be read HERE - a number of steps are needed and the file must be placed specifically in the right place on your computer's HD - quoted below, the path necessary on a Mac OS X machine - if one needed to update say a half dozen iPad Air 2s w/ just Wi-Fi, then worth the effort, but if just two of the same model? Dave :)
For Mac OS X:
  1. Quit iTunes
  2. Hit Command+Shift+G to bring up “Go To Folder” and enter the following path, depending on your iOS device:
    ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates
    ~/Library/iTunes/iPad Software Updates
    ~/Library/iTunes/iPod Software Updates
  3. Drag and drop the downloaded IPSW file into the appropriate location
  4. Launch iTunes and connect the iOS devices to the computer to initiate the upgrade
Hmm- seems my third post didn't take, or was deleted. I sync over my PC and iTunes, hard-wired connection, but it still requires my data bandwidth.. I guess thee is (as usual) nothing to be done, but I used to be a boder, and I KNOW that if that were my department to control, I would have been pushing VERY hard for one version per device, plus one for all devices - if you PLANNED it in front, it really is not that difficult. Unless your design teams never collaborate and the Mini has nothing in common with the Pro, which really seems unlikely. The unique stuff in my experience is mostly drivers, and thse are not that large - or complex. (I have done this for laptop v desktop PCs, so I KNOW it is not that hard to do. Seems more like internal politics than coding strategies...)

But, neither here nor there. Thanks for the replies.
An interesting thread with good points all round:)
.... @thesoundsmith .... seems to me the bandwidth ceiling/cost may be a gripeworthy feature of your present download and usage experience. Might be worthwhile investigating what is available from other than AT&T. Here in Australia, with previously stingy offerings of costly bandwidth, even we are now enjoying cheaper packages which often include unlimited download/upload allowance. You may find it worthwhile to shop around a bit, unless you are limited by some "lock in" deal on your Apple devices.
Loved your "Such is life" as a sigh in a post above in this thread. Ned Kelly would be proud of you!:p. (Our historical version of Billy the kid)

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