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I wish the iPad could handle multitasking, but I bet each app will perform better on it's own, so I see why Apple went that route.

I don't wan't Multi tasking like Windoze .... thus just going back in the StoneAge of the electronic device .... and i am sure apple is preparing a way for have a multi tasking but not a multi window

Actually come to think of it... on the iPad at least, having an Exposé & Spaces style of switching between active Apps/windows wouldn't be to bad. An Exposé App that sits on your Home Tray and throws up small snapshots of each active App to click. Then again it could also be a Home Page (like the search page) showing all active apps.
i thought it was confirmed that the new iphone os will support multitasking (at least w/the new iphone) so if that supports it won't the ipad???
i thought it was confirmed that the new iphone os will support multitasking (at least w/the new iphone) so if that supports it won't the ipad???

Confirmed? By who? That is the current popular rumor but nothing is confirmed until it is available from apple.
And yes friends, as disappointed as I am that this isn't going to be the lightweight megabeast I hoped for, I will still get one eventually because I like cool toys and have high hopes that third party developers will teach Apple where they went wrong and fix it.
I'd laugh with you, but Apple isn't tickling my funny bone right now. Let's hope by the end of March we hear of updated capabilities to excite sales and make people feel like they are really getting something that does things better than the iphone and better than a laptop. Jobs reputation may depend on it.

Why not consider Android and enjoy their crapy system ??

Or maybe develop the device you are dreaming about ??

Nobody force you to buy an IPAD you have to accept the device as is it , not as you dream ... if you have a dream work for make it true ... and stop criticize the one don't made what you are dreaming about ...

The lack of multi-tasking is a serious limitation. I am sure there are reasons why Apple chose not to implement it (*at this time*) Most likely, multi-tasking would have meant taking a hit to speed and battery life. But that being said, I seriously disagree with the tone of your post. We are not allowed to criticize Apple's decisions, just buy it or not? I don't think so. A lot of people are going to buy the Ipad eventhough they are disappointed with one thing or another. Criticism and discussion can produce useful feedback. Apple will make changes based on what people want.

As far as the OS goes, I doubt however you will see OSX on the ipad anytime soon. I think the whole reason for the development of the Iphone OS is its based on touch, not point and click.

Probably some of the things people want to see on the Ipad will come eventually. I imagine what apple did manage to pack into a device that small was really stretching the limits. As technology improves, you will see future Ipads that can probably take the place of a computer for moderate users.
And yes friends, as disappointed as I am that this isn't going to be the lightweight megabeast I hoped for, I will still get one eventually because I like cool toys and have high hopes that third party developers will teach Apple where they went wrong and fix it.
I'd laugh with you, but Apple isn't tickling my funny bone right now. Let's hope by the end of March we hear of updated capabilities to excite sales and make people feel like they are really getting something that does things better than the iphone and better than a laptop. Jobs reputation may depend on it.

Why not consider Android and enjoy their crapy system ??

Or maybe develop the device you are dreaming about ??

Nobody force you to buy an IPAD you have to accept the device as is it , not as you dream ... if you have a dream work for make it true ... and stop criticize the one don't made what you are dreaming about ...

The lack of multi-tasking is a serious limitation. I am sure there are reasons why Apple chose not to implement it (*at this time*) Most likely, multi-tasking would have meant taking a hit to speed and battery life. But that being said, I seriously disagree with the tone of your post. We are not allowed to criticize Apple's decisions, just buy it or not? I don't think so. A lot of people are going to buy the Ipad eventhough they are disappointed with one thing or another. Criticism and discussion can produce useful feedback. Apple will make changes based on what people want.

As far as the OS goes, I doubt however you will see OSX on the ipad anytime soon. I think the whole reason for the development of the Iphone OS is its based on touch, not point and click.

Probably some of the things people want to see on the Ipad will come eventually. I imagine what apple did manage to pack into a device that small was really stretching the limits. As technology improves, you will see future Ipads that can probably take the place of a computer for moderate users.

I still don't believe desktop multitasking is the answer....we just need a state save task switcher and the ability to turn on background playback for audio apps.
I agree. I do not have an iphone or even an ipod. But the videos I've seen of the Ipad, apps take almost no time to load. If you could switch back and forth quickly to the saved state of the previous app you were working with, it would be a very nice solution.

As someone else said, Apple is concerned about user experience. They could have done a lot of things differently on the Ipad, but I think they chose to go for speed and ease of use.

One thing I do wonder about, and it's hardware related not software. I wonder how hot the thing gets. Obviously you don't want to hold the thing in your hands if it's too hot, or worse yet set it on your lap. I wonder how the thing keeps cool. Perhaps the material used in the back casing?
I agree. I do not have an iphone or even an ipod. But the videos I've seen of the Ipad, apps take almost no time to load. If you could switch back and forth quickly to the saved state of the previous app you were working with, it would be a very nice solution.

As someone else said, Apple is concerned about user experience. They could have done a lot of things differently on the Ipad, but I think they chose to go for speed and ease of use.

One thing I do wonder about, and it's hardware related not software. I wonder how hot the thing gets. Obviously you don't want to hold the thing in your hands if it's too hot, or worse yet set it on your lap. I wonder how the thing keeps cool. Perhaps the material used in the back casing?

Looks like an aluminum alloy casing which should disperse heat pretty well...also the new chipset is made to run pretty cool (which is why it gets 10 hours of life!)...guess we will see what happens when you run a 3d game for an hour!
I have been using an iphone for more than a year having Multitasking does not worry me as applications open so fast so jumping from one to another is no problem I also expect the applications on the ipad also to be fast load. I can read email and reload another application like safari in less than seconds using wifi which is fine by me As for multitasking on iphone 3gs I can listen to music change songs etc while the Copilot gps is working further more also receive and make calls as well with out quitting Co-pilot . ( I use a parrot car system ) If i want multitasking I can use my Mac book
colin down under
I agree. I do not have an iphone or even an ipod. But the videos I've seen of the Ipad, apps take almost no time to load. If you could switch back and forth quickly to the saved state of the previous app you were working with, it would be a very nice solution.

As someone else said, Apple is concerned about user experience. They could have done a lot of things differently on the Ipad, but I think they chose to go for speed and ease of use.

One thing I do wonder about, and it's hardware related not software. I wonder how hot the thing gets. Obviously you don't want to hold the thing in your hands if it's too hot, or worse yet set it on your lap. I wonder how the thing keeps cool. Perhaps the material used in the back casing?

Looks like an aluminum alloy casing which should disperse heat pretty well...also the new chipset is made to run pretty cool (which is why it gets 10 hours of life!)...guess we will see what happens when you run a 3d game for an hour!
Hi Jaseph
The iphone does remember where you were so if you quit out of an email that is open and launch safari or another app like Informant( PIM) then return to the email it is where you left it. One can also cut and paste between apps the same way and fast . if you view a movie on the iphone and quit and reopen again you are back where you left it. Same with Apple store when you search a Application and music This will be the same on the ipad

The point is which you did mention is speed and that is what the iphone and ipad is about as its memory base not hard drive driven and of course ease of use. I should point out I do use wifi 75% of the time

The ipad offers a whole new area of enjoyment and frankly I believe it will take off like crazy because it is so easy to use
i do not really care if it multi task or not ..for it me a basic unit to do the things i need it to do when i need it done like the following task..

..if i want a mp3 player it does that..

--if i want to play a game it does that..

--ir need to read the morning emails it does that

--if i need to look up a book or a dvd and see if i have it does that ..

i want it for the basic use of the everyday oversized iphone unit but without the phone part set up ..i do not really care if runs this or that ..i just need to do the basic things i need it do when i need it done at the time..

that way i have a desktop computer at the offices assigned to me if i need to get into the system i can log onto the data base with my coded i.d. number along with the ironkey usb stowage and password security card for me to use as need in the office computer network ..

the big thing now for a lot of companys is the fact that laptops are the mosted hacked set up out there when out on the road and working ..my company now after my computer beening hacked this weekend is not allow personal onsite and hooked up to the main frame of our job site.along with company laptops are not allowed outside of the secured building system that we used now .. the main frame can not allowed conract with the outside world for any reason or with outside personals computer units ..... for now days most companys biggest fear is the laptop beening stolen or hacked by outside personal to gain entance into there personal main frame to see what the projects or others things that is going on
Those familiar with the design of iPhone 4.0 said that the user interface will resemble Apple's desktop Expose feature, in that a key combination -- reportedly hitting the Home button twice -- will trigger an expose-like interface that brings up a series of icons representing the currently running apps, allowing users to quickly select the one they want to switch to directly. When a selection is made, the iPhone OS zooms out of the Expose task manager and transitions to that app.

This is the latest word on multitasking.
Those familiar with the design of iPhone 4.0 said that the user interface will resemble Apple's desktop Expose feature, in that a key combination -- reportedly hitting the Home button twice -- will trigger an expose-like interface that brings up a series of icons representing the currently running apps, allowing users to quickly select the one they want to switch to directly. When a selection is made, the iPhone OS zooms out of the Expose task manager and transitions to that app.

This is the latest word on multitasking.

This is why I say people don't understand mobile multitasking. That isn't desktop multitasking. That is task switching using saved states, which keeps battery life high and gives the illusion that multiple apps are running simultaneously. It is how Palm Pre stays so fast while "running" 25 apps at once.

Combined with background operations for audio playback people can finally quit complaining.
Multitasking leads to mediocrity

I think that multitasking will need to be handled very carefully and only extended to applications that absolutely need it (e.g. music, telephony, and mail). I worry that it will increase the 'crap factor' and make the iPad less elegant and reliable.

It's important to remember that the iPad's simplicity will be the cornerstone of its success. It's really more of a consumer electronics device than it is a computer, which is why it can remain relatively inexpensive and easy to use. It provides all the functionality of a computer without the previous limitations and costs, because it has compromised certain features to keep true to its design maxim. Each app is designed for a specific purpose; form follows function. This is a nice equilibrium.

Forcing developers to keep their apps completely self-contained, as well as saving state persistence between sessions (when the app is closed, then reopened) is really good design discipline. Offering multitasking would endanger this discipline by offering kludges. Developers will get lazy and try to find workarounds, resulting in buggy software. I think that the current situation is much better.

Besides, multitasking could be achieved in a round about fashion by offloading some of the functionality of the app to a server Cloud (as ScanR does) and having the interconnectivity between applications happen there, rather than on the device itself.

No, I'm really glad that the device doesn't support multitasking. It keeps the system simple, reliable, prolongs battery life and forces developers and users to take a new, different and exciting approach to computing.
Those familiar with the design of iPhone 4.0 said that the user interface will resemble Apple's desktop Expose feature, in that a key combination -- reportedly hitting the Home button twice -- will trigger an expose-like interface that brings up a series of icons representing the currently running apps, allowing users to quickly select the one they want to switch to directly. When a selection is made, the iPhone OS zooms out of the Expose task manager and transitions to that app.
This is the latest word on multitasking.

This is why I say people don't understand mobile multitasking. That isn't desktop multitasking. That is task switching using saved states, which keeps battery life high and gives the illusion that multiple apps are running simultaneously. It is how Palm Pre stays so fast while "running" 25 apps at once.

Combined with background operations for audio playback people can finally quit complaining.
States are fine and dandy for some Apps. Others, not so much. I do not want a "state" if I am using say "Pandora and Safari". A save state will be useless in that situation, as I want to listen to the music why I surf.

Edit: I read your last sentence, but it makes me wonder how it will work with others that require more then a save state, but do not revolve around audio. Say maybe, I need live notifications from a App, that does not support PUSH maybe? Would I get those Live notifications if the App is simply in save state? I hope that does not sound confusing.
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