What's new

MUST HAVE applications

As for a Bible app, I use BibleReader by Olive Tree. Another tip is to click on your App Store button as check out Top Charts for both paid and free apps.
Must have Netflix and Hulu...anything else is extra.
Well. One or the other for sure. But truth be told I have both and probably will not keep Hulu Plus.

Netflix has fewer new TV shows, but they have no ads.

Hulu Plus has fewer movies, but the big surprise to me was that it has a monthly fee which is slightly higher than Netflix, AND you get commercials too! Boo!!
ABC player
Air Video
Sportscenter XL
Good reader
Text +

Heavy gunner
Minigore HD
Osmos HD
Magic Piano
Tap Tap Radiation

That is just a few that I constantly use.
Biodefense HD
Super 7
Modern conflict
Fruit ninja
Guitar hero (iPhone app but shines when on the bigger screen for iPad)

Random apps
Perfect score
Weather HD
eBay app is excellent
BBC News: Easy access to the world’s most reputable news source (free)
iBooks: Apple’s answer to Kindle’s bookstore arrives on iPad (free)
IMDb Movies and TV: The internet’s favourite database hits the iPad early (free)
Amazon Kindle: Amazon takes on the iBook store on its own device (free)
Madden NFL 11: EA Sports’ American Football title touches down on the iPad in style (£7.49)
Pulse News: The news reader that Steve chose show off his new ‘Pad (£2.39)
Wired Magazine: The magazine for the digital age, goes digital (£2.99)
Marvel Comics: Spider-Man and Captain America have rarely looked better than on the iPad’s 9.7-inch touchscreen (free)
Tweetdeck: The brilliant do-it-all Twitter widget makes an early debut on the tablet and makes an instant impact (free)
MX Mayhem: A dangerously addictive iPhone crossover motorbike game (£0.59)
Sketchbook Pro
Both of these are amazing painting/drawing apps. If you're artistically inclined, you should have them on your iPad.

Handles documents from various sources including cloud services like Google Docs and Dropbox.

Nuff said!

Addictive cannon game

Free board game suite with great HD graphics

GTA - Chinatown Wars

If GTA games are your thing, you can't miss this!


Amazon's ebook reader

Internet Radio.

Talking Tom
It's just funny!

Trippy ambient fun

Kids Apps - if you have little ones, these are great. All Free!
Toy Story Read-Along
ABC Phonics
Alphabet Racing
Doodle Buddy
3 Pigs
Forest Friends

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Angry Birds (right? really.)

We Rule

We Farm

Pocket Frogs


Chaos Rings (if you like JRPGS with less time commitment)

Godville (tough to explain... just try it!)

Flight Control


Discover - Wikipedia in awesome magazine format

Evernote - Cloud based note application that runs on damn near every device.

iTeleport VNC or iTap RDP, depending on your server needs to VNC/RDP into a windows machine

Social - Probably the best facebook interface out there.

New York Times/USA Today/Various news apps

Twitter, must have, best twitter app EVER.


Misc apps that escape category definement

Epic Citadel

Noby Noby Boy (an app far from mainstream, only if you're willing to delve into the super weird/strange/interesting)

There's more, but my iPad is currently spending hours backing up, so I'll post back when it's done.

A lot of the above are free, and most shouldn't set you back too much. They're all worth it, in my opinon...

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