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Must I get Ipad for syncing??

mr SA

iPF Noob

I'm very new to Ipad.I have searched the forum but cant get a answer. I downloaded Itunes and Icloud on my laptop today (not a Mac but HP). Immediately my contacts were avilable that was stored on my contacts on my Ipad (which was at home) and also my music I downloaded on my Ipad BUT I made some notes on my computer and also downloaded music from a CD with the understanding it will be available on my Ipad when I get home, but it was not.

My question,MUST MUST MUST I download Imatch for this to happen? (ie when I get home or wherever my uploads and downloads are all available on all devices) or does it only work between Ipad,Ipod,Iphone,Mac etc???

Please remember when answering my question that I have very limited experience with any Apple product and minimum knowledge of computers (know the basics).Any advice would be very helpfull.

As stated above I have searched but found nothing that answers my question.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Sorry all,I my header is wrong,I must read Must I get Imatch for syncing??
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Have you tried looking at your iTunes music purchased list to see if the missing music is there? If it is, you can download it at no additional charge. Music will not automatically download to your iPad unless you have automatic downloads turned on. Go to Settings>itunes&App Stores to check.

image-2758013073.webpiTunes match can be turned on from the same page.
Thank you for the very helpfull info. I checked to see if the music I downloaded on my laptop appeared in Itunes,but it does not.Did I do something wrong for it not to appear??

I'm very new to Ipad.I have searched the forum but cant get a answer. I downloaded Itunes and Icloud on my laptop today (not a Mac but HP). Immediately my contacts were avilable that was stored on my contacts on my Ipad (which was at home) and also my music I downloaded on my Ipad BUT I made some notes on my computer and also downloaded music from a CD with the understanding it will be available on my Ipad when I get home, but it was not.

My question,MUST MUST MUST I download Imatch for this to happen? (ie when I get home or wherever my uploads and downloads are all available on all devices) or does it only work between Ipad,Ipod,Iphone,Mac etc???

Please remember when answering my question that I have very limited experience with any Apple product and minimum knowledge of computers (know the basics).Any advice would be very helpfull.

As stated above I have searched but found nothing that answers my question.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Sorry all,I my header is wrong,I must read Must I get Imatch for syncing??

If you ripped a CD and transfered that into Itunes, then you will need iMatch, as I understand it, for that CD to be incorporated into your music that can be sync'ed with all of your apple devices. Otherwise, you must rip the CD into iTunes on each computer and also sync those songs to each device (iPod, iPad, iPhone). Match gives you the ability to have Apple make anything you scan into it via iTunes available on all of your devices. Without it, you must scan the CD and then sync the files separately to each mobile device and also you have to physically transfer or re-rip the CD on each computer.

I hope that is clear.
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AQ_OC said:
If you ripped a CD and transfered that into Itunes, then you will need iMatch, as I understand it, for that CD to be incorporated into your music that can be sync'ed with all of your apple devices. Otherwise, you must rip the CD into iTunes on each computer and also sync those songs to each device (iPod, iPad, iPhone). Match gives you the ability to have Apple make anything you scan into it via iTunes available on all of your devices. Without it, you must scan the CD and then sync the files separately to each mobile device and also you have to physically transfer or re-rip the CD on each device.

I hope that is clear.

That seems to be a better solution than the one I suggested.
Normally you do all your CD ripping and iDevice syncing from a single computer and iTunes. If you need the music on more computer you can either use Home Sharing to stream or transfer music between computers.

iTunes: Setting up Home Sharing on your computer

Match is a service to put your iTunes library (plus other imported music) in the iCloud. It's primary purpose is to make all your music available to your mobile iDevices without having to store it all locally. If you have a lot of imported music that can not be matched in the iTunes Store, you may have to pay for more iCloud storage on top of the Match subscription.

I'd give Home Sharing a try; and only then, if it doesn't' do what you want, then consider for iTunes Match.
Thank you for all the replys,I think about the best option for me and go with that. Little bit more difficult than I thought. Thanks again to all

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