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My cydia stuff


iPF Noob
Cydia tweaks get me excited in an inappropriate way

I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

THE BASICS - if you don't have these installed you haven't finished jail breaking
sbsettings - the settings menu apple never gave us
Ifile - the file system explorer they forgot too
Fullforce / retinapad - make iPhone apps look like iPad apps
Backgrounder - take control of your multitasking
Activator - become the boss of gesture commands
Winterboard - themes!


Appinfo - displays info on all apps installed on your pad
Displayout - mirrors screen on tv and monitors
Fakeclockup - speeds up ui effects
Fullscreen of safari - adds multitouch comands and more to apple's browser
Invertcolors sbsettings toggle - easy access to a very cool visual iOS effect
Mewseek - sync mp3s to iPod library without iTunes
Powerplay - control music playback with volume rocker
Remove background sbsettings toggle - quickly kill all unfocused tasks
Remove recents - only show running apps in switcher EDIT: killed in 4,2,1 use switchermod
safari download manager - full download manager for safari
Synchronicity - use your pad while it syncs
Veency - a gmc server for iOS
Webe++ - turn your iPad into the worlds largest Bluetooth mouse (trackpad+keyboard)
Wiimote music controls - control iPod app with wiimote over Bluetooth

~but wait thurs more

Barrel - 3d spring board page turning effects
Btstacks mouse - control your iPad with your iPhone / Bluetooth mouse
Display recorder - record avi screen capture and upload it to YouTube
Grooveshark - for VIP only
Iclassic - because it's hilarious
Multicon mover - popular
Lockinfo - put your lock screen to use
Nomute - because mute I want A physical rotation toggle
Truprint - print to ANY network printer
Adblock - does that
Bt gps - connect your iPad to external gps unit
showcase - display key case when typing

snes a.d.x -
Genesis a.d
Gameboy a.d.x
Snes hd - use your iPhone as a snes controller

I've left out some cool against the rules one and some of my less favorite emulators, but I have been obsessed with these things for a long time and would love to hear about more, also I figured I should write them all down incase I drop my iPad in the toilet

THANK CONTRIBUTORS - me, demandarin
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Damn, thats a very impressive jailbrake app list ya got going there..lol
I have:
Sb settings- quick easy access of settings functions + frees up memory

Retinapad- allows iphone apps to be enlarged with better quality closer to ipad native resolution..bring retina display to iphone apps.

Winterboard- i ended up uninstalling it but it allows u to customize the ipad graphical UI

Bt mouse- allows bt mouse to be added

Bt gps- allows u to add an external gps module that can connect to ipad thru BT. My win mo phone can also act as an external gps unit. Havent tried it out yet though.

Display Out- mirrors ipad screen on tv using either vga, component, or composite cables. Hopefully new Digital AV adapter coming out will allow ipad1 to mirror also thru this jailbreak. It works with ipad1 but for video out only. Only ipad2 has native mirroring with new adapter

Fast Copy-speeds up copy/paste functions..no longer a pause

G Power pro- touch screen access to power off, reboot, and respring with needing hardware buttons

Ibooks Fix- fixed ibooks not opening on 4.2.1 jailbrake

IFiles-the Greatest PC/Mac style files and folder access to internal files on ipad. No longer need itunes to transfer files, movies, mp3's or whateva. My sole reason for jailbraking period.

Quake 3 Arena HD-play quake 3 online against other users. Wrks very well. Graphics really good

Showcase-shows the case lettering on ipad keyboard. Works very well n useful.

Activator- allows u to asign touch gestures to access different things or apps. For ex. I swipe down on clock area and my ipad goes into sleep mode/screen lock. I swipe clock area to the left and it brings up IOS task switcher screen n other screen with volume, brightness, and orientation lock. I double tap clock area and brings up my g power pro to allow me to reboot, power off, or respring. No longer need hardware buttons. Touch gestures. Or i tap and hold down clock area and it brings up my Ifiles ;-) no longer use hardware buttons as i have touch gestures for all their functions.

I definitely seen some on your list i might try out. Some new ones i havent seen or came across yet. Great idea on listing!
Lets keep the list going jailbreakers!
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I just added, thnkx to op,

FakeClockUp- i am veryyy impressed with this. This was what my ipad has been yearning for. Lol its unbelievable how much faster the ipad is now. Everything opens up alot faster, apps, browsers, taskswitcher, Everything! Even orientation switching wayyyy faster. Unbelievable.

Remove recents- i have to test this out more to see if it truly wrks. For example my notes still show up there but that might have multitaskin support aslo. Ill open a bunch of apps to see. Edit..just tested more, still showing every app in task switcher unless every app i opened has background support, which i doubt. I think with 4.2.1 it only allows u to quicly delete app form task switcher as it has x already in top left corner of app instead of me havimg to hold it down to bring it up. Unless it was like that b4, but never noticed. I dont think so though. Maybe if u have older ios version, remove recents will only keep apps actually running in the background in task switcher. Still handy though. I wont uninstall it yet as i was going to until i noticed the x already on those apps to delete tasks. Saves a lil time..lol still useful

App info- great detailed info on all app store, cydia apps, n more that u have installed on the ipad.

No Mute- i loved it at first until i noticed something...lmao it does bring back orientation lock to hardware button BUT guess what, it still mutes the ipad also..lmfao i tested it cutting it on and off and it does still mute ipad while bringin orientation lock back. I discovered it because after i installed it, i noticed when i was typing, i wasnt hearing the noises anymore or when i press power button i didnt hear the click. I didnt try to pull up an app with sound to see if it mutes everything but i figure it does. Just switched the switch midway just now typing n it got silent..lol..switch back..got sound again..it does wrk but still mutes ipad. Edit..just tested out more, it still does, in fact, mute ipad along with bringn orientation switch back to hardware button. I will uninstall this ome. Fakeclock up along with activator makes software orientation lock a breeze to activate.

This list becoming useful already. Fakeclockup is defintiely an app everyjailbreaker needs to install. Seriously! Thnkx OP
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Thanks to you all for posting. I just JB'd by iPad and a lot of what you all posted I'm trying out. Really opens up the iPad and makes it more user friendly IMO.

IFiles-the Greatest PC/Mac style files and folder access to internal files on ipad. No longer need itunes to transfer files, movies, mp3's or whateva. My sole reason for jailbraking period.

I'm new to iFile so can someone explain how I drag/drop files from my computer to my iPad w/o using iTunes? I plugged my iPad into my work PC and it still comes up like the iPad already did. No way to browse.
Thanks to you all for posting. I just JB'd by iPad and a lot of what you all posted I'm trying out. Really opens up the iPad and makes it more user friendly IMO.

IFiles-the Greatest PC/Mac style files and folder access to internal files on ipad. No longer need itunes to transfer files, movies, mp3's or whateva. My sole reason for jailbraking period.

I'm new to iFile so can someone explain how I drag/drop files from my computer to my iPad w/o using iTunes? I plugged my iPad into my work PC and it still comes up like the iPad already did. No way to browse.

U can do the drop drag from pc to ifiles but im not sure. Read the ifiles instructions on that. I never did that yet. I use ifiles to pit web downloaded movies into the proper app folder needed to play. Or u know how u plug an sd card to ipad thru Camera connection kit n itll only show photos, with ifiles, u see EVERYTHING that is on that card. U can copy/cut/paste files from Sd card to ipad or files from ipad to the sd card. Compatible thumbdrives will work the same also. That might be the easier route to go, if u have the camera connection kit with sd card and usb adapter for ipad. Just put ur pc files on sd card or compatible usb drive, then use ifiles to transfer like that. I believe there is a way to hook it to a pc and transfer but ive never done it. As ive been trying to minimize desktop/laptop ipad needs. Ifiles should have instruction/FAQ in it. Also, the sd card or thumbdrive should show up as a flash drive in ifiles. Itll be on the left hand side of screen in landscape mode.
Hold up, i believe ifiles also lets u transfer files wirelessly thru wifi. U could check that route out also. I havent tried that way either. Hope that helped you!
Demandarin said:
I just added, thnkx to op,

Remove recents- i have to test this out more to see if it truly wrks.....

This list becoming useful already. Fakeclockup is defintiely an app everyjailbreaker needs to install. Seriously! Thnkx OP

Good catch, Switchermod actually takes control of taskbar customization on 4.2.1

I think I'll put some of those others in the op that i left out because maybe some noobs will read this thread ; )
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Also ifiles allows u to see Everything, meaning files, apps, etc.. Thats in ur ipad. Like win mo file explorer. U can also move around files internally in ipad, if need be. For example, i download a movie from the web. I use ifiles to place that movie into the VLC documents folder and bam! Im done. Now VLC player recognizes n plays the movie. If u werent jailbroken or have ifiles, u would have to do the tedious process of syncimg ipad to computer, then move the movie to vlc player thru itunes, lomg process. Ifiles makes it fast n easy. Same goes for other apps if itunes was needed, instead now u can use ifiles to place the info where it needs to be to be recognized.
Word of caution though, dont go into ipsd root files if u dont know what ur doing or didnt read up, as u can probaly mess something up if u delete a system file or folder lr something. I never had that issue but just warning so u dont go into there moving any and everything..lol Ifiles will become ur bestfriend along with Fake clock up.
Demandarin said:
I just added, thnkx to op,

Remove recents- i have to test this out more to see if it truly wrks.....

This list becoming useful already. Fakeclockup is defintiely an app everyjailbreaker needs to install. Seriously! Thnkx OP

Good catch, Switchermod actually takes control of taskbar customization on 4.2.1

I think I'll put some of those others in the op that i left out because maybe some boobs will read this thread ; )

Good idea! Its been a while since a recent cydia apps n tweaks thread has been made. Needed serious updatiing and this thread is becoming that. If we lucky, might be made into a sticky(hint mods). And once again im truly impressed with Fake clock Up!
Yeah, definitely watch what u say up here :-/ oh lordyyy..lol eyes r watching as my post has been edited for obvious reasons and recieved a digital spanking for it..lmao i knew i shouldnt have named that app but i never said what is was for. Didnt think itll be an issue just mentioning the name of it, damn! Still a great thread n posts. Keep em coming.
Gridlock ~ place icons any where.
Infiniboard ~ allows for for verticle scrolling.
Infinifolders ~ place more than 12icons in folders.
Graviboard ~ neat lil trick.
Bootlogo ~ change the boot logo.
Masks ~ apply/create custom shaped icons.
Infinidock ~ horizontal scrolling dock.
Move2unlock ~ various ways of unlocking.
retinapad ~ similar to fullforce.
SleepFx ~ various ways of "sleeping" the ipad.
I like to keep it simple, funny enough the only ones I have are safari dl manager, retinapad and iFile.

Are there any apps which would let me use a bluetooth remote to control a powerpoint presentation?
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Lol, I subscribed to this thread a couple days back. I have been trying out a few of these apps here lately. Great info, I need to get myself a cheap cable to test out and see if the ipad is fully mirrored onto my tv/projector.
Lol, I subscribed to this thread a couple days back. I have been trying out a few of these apps here lately. Great info, I need to get myself a cheap cable to test out and see if the ipad is fully mirrored onto my tv/projector.

It should work. I use the apple composite cables. Ode I get this new HD tv, then I will get the new DigitalAV adapter for hdmi. As that's been proven to mirror perfectly also on ipad1 Jailbroken with display out. It will mirror on stock iPads but only for apps that allow it. With jailbreak and display out, Everything is mirrored.

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