I feel like when I reset my router I must have forgotten to change a setting or something. The last day or two is the only time it has been slow and I reset my router last week so on the other hand I doubt that's the problem.
Once my internrt was very slow, said there was too much presure on it. Next day I locked it with a password, and it became fast again. Is your's locked?
No this is just in general, on my home PC. Actually what seems to have resolved the issue is using OpenDNS. Perhaps my DNS servers for my ISP are crap.
No this is just in general, on my home PC. Actually what seems to have resolved the issue is using OpenDNS. Perhaps my DNS servers for my ISP are crap.
It may just be a case of system overload. Hot weather and school out can mean a lot of kids home and on-line. I have had a lot of slow downs since school let out and still show my normal router speeds.