iPF Noob
Greetings! I became an Apple Believer in April when I received my IPad 2 as a gift. Loooved it! And then on 7/4/12 my two year-old son dunked it in a bucket of mop water (all-natural/non-chemical cleaner if that makes any difference). We did not, however, know it had happened until several hours later, at which point we immediately place it in a large bag of rice. I tried turning it on at this time, and it showed no activity at all. It did not turn on. We kept it in the bag of rice for about 24 hours and then transferred it to a plastic bin filled with silica gel that we purchased from a craft store to assist in the drying process. We kept it in there for 3-4 days, and then we tried again to start it and connect it to the laptop to try and open it in iTunes in recovery mode. Again, nothing. We put it back in the bin with the desiccating agent where it has remained since. We took it to an Apple store, but they stated they could nothing to help us. I have since been using my husband's iPad (he bought one for himself shortly after I got mine). I really want to get my own iPad back in working order. Any wisdom out there as to how I can accomplish this?