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My iPad can now print!

The next update For the iPad will now have a print feature built into the ios 4.2

Ok. That's cool. But what exactly does that mean?

You can see a snippet of those features in action from the latest keynote address by Mr Jobs on the Apple site.

You will have printing available from all participating apps. The keynote shows Pages. Printing still looks basic as I don't think well have printer specific drivers.
Help can't ePrint on iPad 2

This is exactly my experience--I just bought *an HP Photosmart Plus e-all-in-one B210a. I'e now spent an inordinate amount of time dealing with HP & iPad phone techs to no avail. Power it down once--you get one photo--and you think that has solved the problem--nada. We've reset network *& took iPad down to factory settings, recognized the WiFi network, recognized the printer--the 2nd time around--nothing works, even once.
I tried ePrint &*HPiPrint--nada. If Apple & HP can't figure it out--I thought I'd go to the real experts..you.
This is a pretty old thread, have you tried posting in the help section?
I've got an Hp d110, that I just plugged in and told it my router i.d. The iPad found it (air print feature) and "bam zoom" I'm printing.
There are some real smart folks here that should be able to help!
This is a pretty old thread, have you tried posting in the help section?
I've got an Hp d110, that I just plugged in and told it my router i.d. The iPad found it (air print feature) and "bam zoom" I'm printing.
There are some real smart folks here that should be able to help!
Printing from an email is a hit and miss proposition. The type of document is important or nothing gets printed.

I've only managed about a dozen print jobs this way in the last 8 months. It's mostly a gimmick. Then it stopped and I can't access that email address anymore and even my account with HP...
Yeah, I used the email thing once or twice, just to try it. But the Hp site always seems messed up. AirPrint let's me print everything I've tried so far. Pretty slick.
You can make just about any wifi printer work with AirPrint on a Windows machine. Follow these instructions:

How to Install AirPrint to Enable Wireless Printing on Windows? | Jaxov

I never saw Norton pop up with firewall issue and it had already put in an AirPrint entry into the firewall exceptions list.

You MUST be on a Home network for it to work. I was on Public because I have roommates. I simply changed to Home and disabled everything except file and printer sharing then I turned off the file sharing part.


I love the fact it can utilize the printer's double sided printing feature.

EDIT: In thinking about it, if you're on a Public network try enabling just File and Printer sharing..that might do it too.
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FYI, you may have to allow it through the Window's Firewall manually by going into your Firewall settings and checking both boxes for Private and Public. If you don't see AirPrint in this list, then click 'Allow Another Program' and browse to the AirPrint application.
Oh man. I bought the HP D110a and have spent 6+ hours on the phone with HP and Apple. From my email ingot a 'no printer found' message. HP said to talk to Apple. Apple said it may be an HP thing. I was talked into buying Print Central. It doesn't make things much better. A lot of cutting and pasting. To mke it worse I recently purchased iPads version of word. I can make pretty documents. I just can't print them outside of a 'notepad' style font.

I don't know where to start in getting this resolved. I hear as many good stories as bad. I'm using AirportvExpress as router.

GAME WRITER you've had some success. Any words for me?

hi guys,

mmmm.....so im thinking this airprint lark isnt exactly plug n play! :D

i want to be able to print webpages mainly direct from pad2 to a printer without using my pc - is this actually possible?

Printing from iPad2 via WiFi with a Canon Pixma MX700

Anything new on this question???

I want to print directly (without the computer) from my iPad2, via my WiFi network, using an Apple AirPort Extreme wireless router, with my Canon Pixma MX700 Printer. I understant that there is some sort of app that will let you print photos with Canon printers from iPad, but nothing else. Is there an app out there that will let me print documents, emails, etc?

Is Apple doing anything to fix the "HP Wireless Printers Only" problem?

thanks, gmhd404
Apple have their own proprietary printing protocol called 'AirPrint'. Only a few printers support it at present - HP is one of those that do and you can see if your model is on the list at the Apple web site

Apple - iPad - Print right from your iPad with AirPrint.

If it is there, then you can print directly under iOS 4.2 and 4.3 from apps that support in-app printing, such as Apple's iPad iWorks suite ('Pages', 'Numbers' and 'Keynote'). Not all apps support in-app printing, so you need to check out whether the app you're interested in does. For example, Apple's native iPad 'Calendar' app does not support in-app printing.

If your printer is not on the list then there are third-party apps that can help. Some printer manufacturers have released apps for PCs with their printers connected (i.e. Lexmark). On these models, an app on your PC or Mac 'pretends' to be an AirPrint printer and the app translates the AirPrint printing protocol into a form that the printer understands.

However, there are standalone apps for the iPad and 'Print N Share' is one of the best known. It can print directly from the iPad to a WiFi printer without any PC being involved. It does this by 'pretending' to be an AirPrint printer. It then, similar to the previous case, translates the AirPrint printing protocol to a form that your printer understands.

Most all WiFi equipped printers are supported by 'Print N Share' but even those few that are not are able to print via a PC using, again, a small (free) app that's available from the developers of 'Print N Share'. Once again, this app sits on your PC or Mac and links your iPad to the printer via your PC - meaning, too, that the printer can be WiFi, USB or even Bluetooth. The downside is that the PC has to be switched on.

One 'issue' that sometimes confounds users of 'Print N Share' is that this only works under iOS 4.2 or 4.3 - the iPad's 'multi-tasking' operating system (OS). 'Print N Share' needs to be loaded and running before you can print!! So, if you're going to be doing some printing, you need to first of all fire up 'Print N Share' and leave it running in the background. You can check whether it is running by double tapping the iPad's 'Home' button, to see the tasks that are 'loaded' in the 'Multi-task' menu bar. For various reasons, it's helpful if 'Print N Share' was loaded quite recently. If you haven't printed for a while, use the multi-task bar to 're-activate' it.

If you're happy to leave your PC switched on then another - and probably better - way forward is to use a PC program called FingerPrint. This is a program that runs on your PC and makes it 'look' like an AirPrint printer. It's as close as you'll get to plug-and-play printing for non-AirPrint printers. You simply download the program (there's a free 7-day version available so you can try it at no risk), install it, start the program (it automatically inserts itself into the PC's startup menu) choose the printers you want to offer to the iPad - it shows you the usual list that you get from a regular Windows print dialog box - and that's it. When you want to print on your iPad (there's no separate app for the iPad) you simply choose the print menu in apps that support in-app printing and FingerPrint makes your PC look like an AirPrint printer. You'll be offered, in the iPad, the choice of printers that you selected on the PC and off you go. FingerPrint receives the printing data from the iPad over WiFi and translates it into a form that your printer understands. I have it on my PC and it works just great.

Hope this helps, but don't hesitate to post any more detailed questions that you might have.

Tim, thanks for the detailed reply - very helpful.

FingerPrint sounds like the way to go when I have my MacBookPro and the iPad2 in the same location.

I forgot to mention that my Canon Pixma MX700 is not a WiFi enabled printer (I think?). It is connected via USB to my Air Port Extreme (APE) wireless router. I have that same setup in two different locations and I was hoping that there is some way to print with that setup, directly from the iPad2 via the APE and USB connected printer - without the computer. There will be times when I'll have only the ipad2 with me.

I've followed a ton of threads on this but they all indicate that a computer with the appropriate software loaded needs to be on and in between the iPad2 and the printer if it's a USB connected printer. I do have iOS 4.3 on the iPad2.

Any further thoughts on doing this?

Am I possibly going to have to buy one of those HP WiFi printers that support iPad 2 printing? If so, any thoughts on the cheapest one of those that will work? It sounds like even with one of those I might not be able to print emails, and web pages, which is primarily what I'd like to be able to do.

Do you think iOS5 will improve iPad printing options, and maybe I should wait for that?

Thanks, gmhd404
At present, FingerPrint is only a PC program. But there's another - very similar - one for the Mac called Printopia that's highly recommended by Members. I've not used it personally - for my sins, I'm a PC guy - but you'll find several threads on the Forum that discuss it.

Thanks Tim,

From my initial peek at Printopia, it looks like the computer also needs to have that loaded and be on - a good possibility when i have both the MacBook and the iPad2 in one location.

But, I'm still searching for some way to print from the iPad2 with my Canon MX700 Printer without the computer.


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