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my ipad problem

ss sundaram

iPF Noob
i am a senior executive and my office bought ipads for all of us and gave me one six months ago. it is an ipad 2 model. i put the code 2746 to lock it. later i forgot.i was generally using my ipad 1 model of my own all these days. yesterday 2947 when iwas in a hurry to ipad2 i wrongly put the code words 2948, 2456, etc and ultimately now my ipad2 is disabled. I have not used this new ipad2 of mine with itunes anytime. now my ipad is disabled. it says connect to itunes. if i connect to
pC itunes says your ipad is disabled. HOW TO OPEN AND USE MY IPAD2 NOW ? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ss sundaram.
Welcome to the forums.

Since your iPad is supplied by your office you should normally return it to them to re-provision.

However, if you want to restore it yourself, you only option is to wipe the device and return it to stock condition with the latest version of IOS. To do this, you need to use DFU mode. We have a guide here - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html

Once the device is successfully put into DFU mode you will be able to use iTunes to restore it to IOS version 6.0. When this is complete the device will be as though it was new. From there you can choose to restore any backup you may have in iTunes or iCloud for the device, or continue using is as a brand new device.

If you run into problems, we have a longer failsafe method which will normally avoid any problems you may have restoring a device - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html

Hope that helps.

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