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My jailbreaking story

mikespe said:
There HAD to have been a corrupt file in the download of abstithe (sp) you used. Speaking from Android experience & what I've gathered with iOS...the actuall jailbreak/root does NOT make the system unstable in anyway.

Wow. That's to bad. I JB my iPad2 as soon as the 5.0.1 JB was released and I haven't been happier. I also JB my new iPod Touch 4 as soon as i got it which was a recent Bday gift. Plus yesterday I finally JB my wife's iPad2.
Sounds like you just had a rough go of it. Ive had all my iOS devices jailbroken with no issues

Skype works on my jailbroken ipad. Just gives you a warning first that you simply ignore

@MoonlitSonata, I was saddened to read about your JB experience. I've always run my iPads jail broken and never encountered any problems. I'm also a big iPad Skype user (long video calls and chat) and, again, no problems other than the warning message as indicated by @superhoops which can be simply ignored. Personally I think doing the JB is well worth it. If you come round to deciding to have another go at it my advice would be to restore your iPad to factory settings before doing the JB, and restore your backup and/or install apps *only after* you've done the JB. Hope this helps.
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