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My review of Noteshelf

I am a power user of noteshelf and love the ability to create and organize many notebooks. Sometime in the last few weeks when one of the updates happened this app became quirky. He wrist protection seems to be interferring with the stylus on the right hand side of the writing space. If you lift your wrist it rewrites fine. Anybody else notice this. Other users in office are having same problem??!
tabletproductive said:
Has anyone used NotetakerHD and/or UPAD Lite as well as Noteshelf? How do they all compare?

I am a huge fan of Notetaker (not free) and I have found that UPAD Lite works almost as well and it is "relatively" free. By relatively I mean it only allows you to create 5 different notebooks. This would be fine if you archive notes to Dropbox, Evernote or email for instance to "clear" your notebook. The 5 note limit would be a problem if you like to keep your note in the note application.


Yes, I have used both NoteTakerHD and Noteshelf. Overall I prefer NoteTaker over Noteshelf. However, I still use them both. I like Noteshelf for basic, quick note taking. I use NT for most other things because it offer so many more options including text boxes, lines, shapes, etc. you can also make templates that you can creat new documents from. It's just a more robust program for the same price.
Does Noteshelf allow you to annotate PDFs? I don't see anything about that detailed in the app's description in iTunes.
The only way I know to annotate a PDF in NoteShelf is if you take one page of the PDF and set it in NoteShelf as a background.

It's not really designed to annotate PDSs, it's just to create original writing...

I ended up buying Notability, and I'm thoroughly enjoying. And, it does allow you to annotate PDFs. Big plus, and it costs only $0.99!

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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