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Myrtle Beach, South Carolina & Environs

Rainey Sculpture Pavilion & 86th Annual Awards Exhibition of the National Sculpture Society

As I mentioned, we did see several new attractions on this visit, including dozens of sculptures on exhibition that are part of the 'Annual Awards' judgment of the National Sculpture Society - there were dozens of items in the two wings of the pavilion - just a handful are shown below - I loved the octopus, carved from a single stone! Dave :)
Brown Sculpture Court - Bleifeld Gallery - Grainger McKoy Birds - Lost Bird Project Exhibit

Another new visit for us (missed the place before) was the Bleifeld Gallery (see descriptive pic) - there were multiple examples of the extraordinary art of Grainger McKoy, a donation from a Winston-Salem family, as discussed. There was also an exhibit of 'extinct birds', including one of my favorites, the Carolina Parakeet - except for the smaller 3 pics, all are my own from yesterday. Also, I have a lot more discussion on McKoy in one of my Charlotte travelogues, we saw an impressive exhibit of his works there a few years ago. Dave :)

P.S. probably my favorite sculpture in the court is 'The End of the Trail' (1915)
On our arrival, I made a short movie on my iPhone and have only tried to upload a few in the past - so embedded in a YouTube video - the high resolution from the phone's camera was lost (sorry) in the transfer but the sound of the ocean remains - Dave :)

Brookgreen Gardens - Yet Another Must Return Visit!

This thread is full of posts about this remarkable property and a MUST visit for anyone in the area - if you don't want to return, then some sort of therapy may be in your future! ;)

There are some 'new' attractions to describe and also a few places that we had missed on previous visits (several upcoming posts) - but to begin, we first purchased tickets for the 2PM boat excursion, and lunched at the excellent Azalea restaurant seated w/ an outside view of Orpheus w/ his lyre (see pic below); next we toured a portion of the outside gardens (many pics below) - I especially love the Palmetto Garden and the Live Oak Allée - at the latter were many amateur artists painting pictures.

In the past, I had not paid much attention to the marvelous Swamp Chestnut Oak w/ plenty of Spanish moss; the leaves are much larger that those of the commoner Live Oaks - Susan is shown taking pics and also having yet another discussion (vs. 2 years ago) w/ Bernard Baruch (he seems to be reading the same book). The boat ride is worth doing mainly because the rice culture of the 18th century is thoroughly discussed and these waters surrounded numerous rice fields - just a few pics from the boat including a recreated rice trunk which regulated the water into and out of the rice fields depending on the tides. More to come about this magnificent property, and for those locals or visitors, please look back to my previous posts on the gardens. Dave
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Brookgreen Gardens is a must if you visit the Myrtle Beach area. Far away from gthe mini golf courses and all-you-can-eat buffets, it’s much more than a garden, as you can see.

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