Hi... Add me I gift and visit daily.... Keep my friends under 50... It just gets too confusing code e39d20.. And my user name in the game is Jillian
I invited you both, but LOL, I don't know who you are. What are your game names. Mine's the same - khames5
Also, I was wondering if you had any advice about what I should do with my gold hearts... Try to collect 300 to complete the quest? Or trade them for quivers in hopes of getting bow, arrows and wings to use to charge collections? If the latter, it seems the silver quiver for 6 items costing 30 gold hearts is the best deal (vs. 3 items for 20 hearts or 9 for 60) and that I should just keep buying those. I had a friend tell me, though, that you stop getting gold hearts after 60. Any thoughts or advice?