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Navigation GPS Mapping App for Police Vehicles?


iPF Noob
My agency is piloting iPads as a replacement to the vehicle mounted PC console. So far, it’s a hit except one small issue: mapping/GPS/navigation. The pre-installed app, “Maps,†requires a wifi connection in order to refresh the map. Otherwise, as you drive you simply get a blue blip moving across a blank page. I take that to mean the GPS is working, but the maps aren’t downloading as you travel through new territory. That said, we need to purchase a better program that allows us to perform the below-listed functions at a minimum:

1. Must offer offline maps similar to a TomTom or Garmin because the pilot vehicle covers a rural area where data signals are inconsistent or nonexistent.
2. Must allow full payment up front with no monthly fees or subscriptions
3. Must allow for the saving, editing, and renaming of POIs or push-pins
4. Must be capable of displaying 2D rending like a conventional paper map so we can identify parallel streets and upcoming intersections easily

The pilot vehicle formerly used Microsoft Streets and Trips with a GPS and it was nearly perfect (all things considered). Does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions? All help is sincerely appreciated! Thanks!
Navigon and do 1, 2, and 4. I'm not sure about 3 since I never do that.

Also, are you guys not getting the cellular version of iPad? You need that to get the GPS chip on the iPad.
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Check the Navigon app on the Apple App Store. This a Garmin product. Check with them for pricing for multiuser or site licenses.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into Navigon. As far as the connection type, I believe all of the iPads we have now are cellular capable, but a few of them are using a mifi hotspot instead of the cellular connection. The iPad I'm piloting, for instance, has the cellular feature intalled, but it's turned off in the settings. The GPS obviously works since it will track my movements with no data connection. Like I said, it just stops refreshing the map.
Yes, you don't need cellular to use the GPS. Of course, if you had a plan, then you could get the google maps app and get free. Personally, I prefer to have the maps on my device ( which is why I use Navigon). Others have similar apps with stored maps, tomtom, etc.
2 things are required.
1. Cellular iPad (3G/4G LTE)
2. MotionX GPS Drive - it lets you download area maps while connected to wifi with verrying degrees of detail, down to full zoom. the more detail, the larger amount of data to download.

You have to use the 3G/4G iPad, however, for the GPS chip. the wifi only model doesnt have the GPS chip. the cellular data account or radio never has to be turned on.
2 things are required.
1. Cellular iPad (3G/4G LTE)
2. MotionX GPS Drive - it lets you download area maps while connected to wifi with verrying degrees of detail, down to full zoom. the more detail, the larger amount of data to download.

You have to use the 3G/4G iPad, however, for the GPS chip. the wifi only model doesnt have the GPS chip. the cellular data account or radio never has to be turned on.

MotionX isn't required. It is not the only nav app that lets you download maps. Also, IFAIK, you either pay for a month or a year. Do they have one fee forever?

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