A Anexias iPF Noob Nov 30, 2013 #511 Need people to visit my Christmas tree, will visit in return. GC: Anexias. Thanks
R Richeeeh iPF Noob Dec 3, 2013 #513 :thumbs: add me please! Especially for my x-mas tree! Really need a lot of friends! I will visit u guys back, i've got blue crystals. Add me: richeeeh Thanks already!
:thumbs: add me please! Especially for my x-mas tree! Really need a lot of friends! I will visit u guys back, i've got blue crystals. Add me: richeeeh Thanks already!
O ohbyecaro iPF Noob Dec 5, 2013 #514 I play multiple times a day but I don't have any friends I have red crystals and would love to share! GC id: ohbyecaro add me!!
I play multiple times a day but I don't have any friends I have red crystals and would love to share! GC id: ohbyecaro add me!!
S stellybear:) iPF Noob Jul 11, 2014 #520 Add me. I visit friends daily. Red crystals. Always do my best to help friends with requests. Level 52. stellybear
Add me. I visit friends daily. Red crystals. Always do my best to help friends with requests. Level 52. stellybear
S stellybear:) iPF Noob Jul 11, 2014 #521 stellybear smiley face with no spaces. stellybear : ) no spaces.
IOSGOD iPF Noob Oct 2, 2015 #522 Gam center is :AWESOMEGAMERIOS I just started [emoji12] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
J justincastro iPF Noob Mar 10, 2016 #523 Add me my user name is : ohmygua Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
B Basic_trash iPF Noob Apr 18, 2016 #524 Hai i just signed up to this just for this reason and I would realy appreciate if you guys would add me. I'm on iOS my game center name is Oreo_cooki17 I PLAY DAILY TOO! <3 also I have blue crystals and Thank and baiiii
Hai i just signed up to this just for this reason and I would realy appreciate if you guys would add me. I'm on iOS my game center name is Oreo_cooki17 I PLAY DAILY TOO! <3 also I have blue crystals and Thank and baiiii