As far as I can tell, chaining up the CCK to the HDMI adapter doesn't work (I just tried it). Would have been uber cool, yeah?
So, you will have to copy the movie over to the iPad. As I don't know which app you want to use, here's what I did to watch a movie on the iPad (with any app that's supported by the "Open In..." function):
1) Put your SD card/CCK combo into the iPad
2) Open iFile and press "Documents" in the left column
3) In the right side, press "Edit"
4) At the bottom left of that right side, you should now see a "+" sign. Press it. A pop-up window should appear for you to name a new folder (it's a Directory by default - you can change it, but I didn't...). Name it something like Movies and press the blue "Create" button. When the pop up file is gone and your folder is created, then press the blue "Done" button.
5) In the left column, press on your SD card and your files will be listed on the right side. Select the gray "Edit" button (right panel, upper right). Find the movie(s) you wish to copy to the iPad and select them (you'll get a red check mark next to the titles once you select them).
6) When you are done selecting, in the bottom right of that window, you'll see a clip board. Press it and select which action you want (copy/link, cut, paste or create link). Select any one but the last one (link only) since you'll be removing the SD card. After selection, press "Done" again.
5) Press again on your Documents folder (left side), find your new folder and press the line to open the folder. Once the folder is open (it'll "slide" open), at the top right, again press the Edit button. Then, press the clipboard icon again (bottom right) and select paste. iFile should copy those file(s) to that folder. Then, press Done again to finish up.
6) Remove the SD card/CCK combo from the iPad (I usually close iFile before ... leftover Windows paranoia

Now, you can press on any movie you've just loaded into that iFile/Documents/Movies folder, iFile should offer you a selection of apps to use, pick the one you want and it should work. You should then be able to use the HDMI adapter cable to plus the iPad to the TV.
Let me know if that works as I walked through these steps as I typed them. I may have missed one, or added an extra!
P.S. Actually, now that I think about it, you don't have to create a separate (e.g. Movies) folder; you can put the movies wherever you wish (as iFile will always offer you a choice on which app to use to run them). I guess I just put in the step to make a folder because I'm a neatnik! And, you'll always know where the movies are in the future. Yeah, that's why!