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Need help with a case, if possible


iPF Noob
I have a rather unique need when it comes to an iPad case. My oldest son is low-functioning autistic, and we purchased an iPad 3 with the Proloquo2go software to serve as a communication device for him - it's cheaper and more portable than dedicated communications devices (which cost around $7,000).

He loves his iPad, but he tends to destroy things when bored or angry. So far, he has destroyed one iPad in an Otterbox Defender (torn aport with bare hands and smashed on tile) and one in a Griffin Survivor case (silicon cut with scissors and screen smashed with hammer). It only takes a few minutes inattention and we're out another iPad. We try to keep it locked up when we can't supervise him directly, but we're human and we slip up occasionally. He needs this device for school and to communicate needs - we can't just take it away from him permanently.

I am aware that there is no such thing as a case that can protect from someone maliciously determined to destroy, but are there any cases that are even more durable than those two? Or at the least, more difficult to remove? Even getting a few more minutes of protection could mean the difference between just buying another case and buying a whole new iPad.

Thanks if anyone has any suggestions.
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Looks like you have already tried the two toughest cases. Sorry, but I'm at a loss as to how you proceed from here.

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Try searching for Child Proof iPad Cases. The main difference (besides terminal cuteness and/or primary colors) and the adult cases is that they don't have to try and keep the bulk down.
I am ASD identified, (aspergers), and a social worker, so fully sympathise. How about bilding a table that will incorporate but protect? Obviously not much can protect from blunt force trauma which means limiting access to movable blunt objects. What are you doing to help him self sooth, i.e. a squeze machine for deep touch (plans on Temple Grandins web site) tight clothing, I have a corsett? If you wish to PM me I can perhaps help with resources.
With the need for human touch to make the capacitive screen to work, how can there be a case that can protect against someone intent on doing what you just said.

If you can get an android tablet and run iOS on top of it, then maybe at least you save a little money.
Now I don't know if iOS on android is supported at this moment.
Magnetic1 said:
With the need for human touch to make the capacitive screen to work, how can there be a case that can protect against someone intent on doing what you just said.

If you can get an android tablet and run iOS on top of it, then maybe at least you save a little money.
Now I don't know if iOS on android is supported at this moment.

Android and iOS are competing operating systems for mobile devices. They are not in any way compatible with each other. You will never see an Android tablet running iOS.

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