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Need knowledge about ipad


iPF Noob
Hello! Is ipad worth the money? Or ipod or iphone is better? I have heard that ipad doesnt have usb connection. Is it true?
Welcome iGeek. Most of us here thing its great. But the pros and cons you can find in my FAQ post:


In my view, what makes the iPad so good is not the the hardware - thought it has limitations. But the iPhone OS makes it work fast, beautiful and powerfully.

The strongest point of the iPad, in my view as a Windows 7 user is the community of users and developers always striving to extend what it can do!

No, it doesn't exactly have a USB port - the dock connector connects to iTunes via USB for just about everything. This is probably the hardware's greatest weakness. That said, there are lots of ways to get your stuff on and off the iPad as painless as possible.
Bless your patience NumbLock... you are a stronger man than I.

+1 . someone to lazy to simply go to apple.com and read........ Makes my opinion of the future of humans slip further than it already is.

Also note the SPAM signature, which is of course against forum rules..... Shame....
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igeek look like a spammer

+1 . someone to lazy to simply go to apple.com and read........ Makes my opinion of the future of humans slip further than it already is.

Also note the SPAM signature, which is of course against forum rules..... Shame....

i agree with you it’s funny just arrive ask 2 question instead than read the previous post and the more funny is the signature pretending to give for free iPad that he even don’t know what is it … maybe he can go first by a brain for himself that will be more useful for him

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