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Nephew mistook a brand new iPad2 I gave him for the 3rd gen...omg!


iPF Noob
My Nephew's 14 b-day was coming. Me and the wife decided to give him an iPad when we saw a very fairly priced iPad2/16GB/Wifi+3G at an apple reseller sale. We knew the boy was dying for one and my brother was too damn cheap to give him one. In fact he was about to buy him some chinese android abomination when I interveined and told him "Move aside, I'll get my nephew the "real stuff" !"

So we give him the thing and the kid went crazy when he opened the package, I mean, really ballistic, jumping around and showing it to everybody. The whole world was his "new iPad" (Oh, yeah, my wife HAD to use one of her handmade artsy gift boxes, and I was supposed to give him the original box later). He thanked us like 90 times. He's very shy and rarely displays emotions like that... well, I felt like the king of uncles!
In hindsight I recall I kept hearing him and his friends going "3rd generation this..", "...retina display that..." but I thought - what the heck they're just comparing it to the new gadget in town...but who cares, he got a free iPad!

Well, days later I received a very enthusiastic email from him thanking us again for the "coolest things he ever got" and all about the apps, games and millions of stuff his been running on his "new iPad"...(again that strange feeling, it was the first iPad in his house and almost a month old...why still "new"?), but then I noticed what I most feared: the Mail signature saying "Sent from an iPad3"..... Oh no! I don't get it!? Did the kid want an 3rd gen so badly that he convinced himself (and everybody else) that I got him one??

Doesn't it say somewhere (despite those report files) that it's an iPad2 ?? This is very weird!
To make things worse I neglected giving the original box to him and since noboby asked me about it, I completely forgot it among the other dozen boxes in my closet.

Should I pretend I don't get what's going on or just break it to him and let him deal with it?? "Well kid, let me tell you about downgrading..."

Now I feel like the cheapest uncle of the century...still I know I got him a cool b-day present!

This is screwed up!

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Maybe it is possible you inadvertently got him the "new iPad"? A mix-up at the store perhaps? He sounds pretty cluey, I would be surprised he hadn't figured out which iPad he has. If he jumps into the Settings I'm sure whilst looking at the specs he could tell.

Check out the box, there should be a label on the bottom that will clearly indicate the model.


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If you did get the iPad 3 the label on the back of the box should look like this.No number after the name and Wi-Fi 4G instead of Wi-Fi 3G

Well, he did in fact, but no big deal. I guess it was the whole 3rd gen hype, something that runs in the family - my dad calls any computer a "Mac", mom calls any cell phone an "iPhone", and now everything tablet or slate is an "iPad"... I'll tell you these folks are crazy!
Mordor said:
Well, he did in fact, but no big deal. I guess it was the whole 3rd gen hype, something that runs in the family - my dad calls any computer a "Mac", mom calls any cell phone an "iPhone", and now everything tablet or slate is an "iPad"... I'll tell you these folks are crazy!

And,I'm sure that they make their photocopies on an IBM "XEROX" machine.:p
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scifan57 said:
And,I'm sure that they make their photocopies on an IBM "XEROX" machine.:p

Haha, you got it right Scifan! There's no hope for them, just last week dad asked to get him the "tape" of the animation movie Rango...
"you mean the disc, dad?"
"of course i mean that, the "blue tape". . . .
Mordor said:
Haha, you got it right Scifan! There's no hope for them, just last week dad asked to get him the "tape" of the animation movie Rango...
"you mean the disc, dad?"
"of course i mean that, the "blue tape". . . .

I saw a picture a few weeks ago showing a cassette tape and a pencil.

The caption read "there's a whole generation that knows nothing about the relationship between these two items."

Just what I needed to make me feel old.
KevinJS said:
I saw a picture a few weeks ago showing a cassette tape and a pencil.

The caption read "there's a whole generation that knows nothing about the relationship between these two items."

Just what I needed to make me feel old.

When I was a kid we didn't have direct dial
In our county. We picked up the phone and the operator asked what number we wanted to be connected to. I remember our number was "Aurora 7 something (can't remember the rest
of it.)

Mordor said:
Haha, you got it right Scifan! There's no hope for them, just last week dad asked to get him the "tape" of the animation movie Rango...
"you mean the disc, dad?"
"of course i mean that, the "blue tape". . . .

"blue tape" Hahaha. Coffee out my nose on that one. :)
I saw a picture a few weeks ago showing a cassette tape and a pencil.

The caption read "there's a whole generation that knows nothing about the relationship between these two items."

Just what I needed to make me feel old.

Oh man, everything we used to consider the coolest machines are a big joke now. My daughter couldn't stop laughing when I told her that in high school (mid 80's) I had the best "typewriter" of my class, actually of my school altogheter: an electric AND portable Brother. I tell you, classmates would envy me for that device!:eek:

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