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Netflix is amazing!

They have a good amount of streaming content... especially with the Starz Play streaming. I still wish more mainstream recent stuff was available. Actually... I just wish they would eventually get to 100% of their stuff stream-able (like you know it will get to eventually). I'd happily pay what I pay now and never touch a dvd again if they would just stream all of their stuff. With it available on my iPad as well as through my Blu-Ray player... I'd never need another disc.

I guess that is the catch though... if they start streaming EVERYTHING... then what is the incentive to go out and buy a blu-ray disc anymore?

I think that's the point....there shouldn't be Blu-Ray or DVD or CD....media consumption should all be streaming or downloadable. I personally see no need for a piece of fragile plastic to watch movies or listen to music. So outdated!

Oh I agree... but production companies aren't gonna let Netflix start doing that until they work out a way to get as much revenue (if not more) than they can through the sale of dvds and blu-ray discs. I don't think they believe they'll make as much through a standard monthly fee as they can through a direct pay-per-view system. So that either means higher prices through Netflix or they will continue to limit new releases and such.

It sucks... we are THIS close to having it done right... but production companies aren't gonna do it until they know that their sales won't decrease because of the new model. While we are so close... there is still LOTS of work that needs to be done before movie companies will fully jump on board. They don't have a problem with a model like iTunes... because they know for every movie downloaded (regardless of whether it is watched or not) they are getting a certain percentage from that download. No way to (currently) do that with Netflix unfortunately.
I use to use this awile back but my family randomly just stopped getting them. I think my dad canceled it because hes cheap.xD But, sometimes the discs came all scratched up, and blamed me.
I use to use this awile back but my family randomly just stopped getting them. I think my dad canceled it because hes cheap.xD But, sometimes the discs came all scratched up, and blamed me.

I fix the discs when they come in dirty/scratched. First I wash them with liquid soap and water and dry them with straight swipes. Often that is all you need to do.

If that fails a little Vaseline or similar fills the scratches and the disc works. Then after playing it we send it back to NetFlix and let someone else worry about it.
I use to use this awile back but my family randomly just stopped getting them. I think my dad canceled it because hes cheap.xD But, sometimes the discs came all scratched up, and blamed me.

I fix the discs when they come in dirty/scratched. First I wash them with liquid soap and water and dry them with straight swipes. Often that is all you need to do.

If that fails a little Vaseline or similar fills the scratches and the disc works. Then after playing it we send it back to NetFlix and let someone else worry about it.

I have gone to gamestop to fix my game discs. They have some little devise they use, i usually don't stay and wait so i don't know what really they do besides using a disced shaped devise. Usually takes 5-6 mins.:)
I use to use this awile back but my family randomly just stopped getting them. I think my dad canceled it because hes cheap.xD But, sometimes the discs came all scratched up, and blamed me.

I fix the discs when they come in dirty/scratched. First I wash them with liquid soap and water and dry them with straight swipes. Often that is all you need to do.

If that fails a little Vaseline or similar fills the scratches and the disc works. Then after playing it we send it back to NetFlix and let someone else worry about it.

I have gone to gamestop to fix my game discs. They have some little devise they use, i usually don't stay and wait so i don't know what really they do besides using a disced shaped devise. Usually takes 5-6 mins.:)

You mean that weird buffer? Optical media is so outdated. I'm really looking forward to PS4 since it should have either all downloadable games or better yet live streaming games.
Anyone else having trouble with Netflix App?

EVERYTIME I use the Netflix app it takes me to the screen for people who have forgotten their password. I haven't found a way to go "back" a screen to sign-in. I've had to use Safari to go to my email, open with password, open Netflix email, and click on their magic word to get to "change my password" screen. If I leave myself signed in in Netflix I have found I can use their toolbar right away without changing my password and get rolling in Netflix, which I enjoy immensely. But this is a pain in the neck, and takes several minutes. And, sometimes I still can't get into Netflix. I wrote them,but received no reply. They have probably seen the number of movies I have streamed and not realize I won't take 4-5 minutes much longer. (I'm not signed in on my iMac, so that's not the problem.) ANY IDEAS?
Can one of you very smart members tell me exactly what you get?
1)Is it downloaded directly to your iPad and you get to play it when you want?
2)How long do you have it for?
3)After your done watching "whatever" does it still take up valuable storage space or does it delete itself?
I'm very much a noob to this since I have never had a Netflix account of any kind so not sure exactly how it works.
It's streaming so is not saved into memory. You play it when you start the stream. You don't take it with you. When you are done watching you stop the stream and then resume watching it later from the same spot. Netflix takes care of the remembering, not the Ipad memory. As long as your Netflix account is active Netflix will retain the memory of where the movie/show was stopped.

Your questions are more related to a movie rental from Itunes, Amazon or the like where the movie is downloaded to the device's memory. Not so with streaming.
Would be much more "amazing" if the new release stuff could be streamed. Other than that it is a good service to have on the Ipad.
I fix the discs when they come in dirty/scratched. First I wash them with liquid soap and water and dry them with straight swipes. Often that is all you need to do.

If that fails a little Vaseline or similar fills the scratches and the disc works. Then after playing it we send it back to NetFlix and let someone else worry about it.

I have gone to gamestop to fix my game discs. They have some little devise they use, i usually don't stay and wait so i don't know what really they do besides using a disced shaped devise. Usually takes 5-6 mins.:)

You mean that weird buffer? Optical media is so outdated. I'm really looking forward to PS4 since it should have either all downloadable games or better yet live streaming games.

I don't know, it spins really fast and the disc comes out new.

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