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New FREE tabbed browser released today


iPF Noob
App Shopper: Free BrowserHD (Utilities)

Free BrowserHD

iPad Only BrowserHD is your gate way to smoother and easier web browsing!
We believe that it's not how fancy your web browser looks, but rather what it is your web browser can do for you!
That being said we have put together a web browser for the iPad, loaded it with great features and options, and made it very simple and easy to use to make your internet navigating experience the best possible!
This is our first and free version of BrowserHD, this version includes:

* Tabbed Browsing - Open unlimited tabs at any time, also easy to navigate tabs with Tab List option.

* Bookmarking - Bookmark your most visited sites and option to edit in bookmark menu.

* History - History menu and edit/reset options for quicker navigation.

* Full Screen - Option to view webpages without presence of tabs and url bar, makes for a better view!

* 9 Language settings - BrowserHD adjusts to 9 different languages set by user in iPads settings options
No but today i tried perfect browser that is pretty good. Something missing in both these apps is the ability to import bookmarks, that would be nice.

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