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New Game - 50 Ways to annoy someone ;)

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In the old days.

not nice:

12. Send an A4 through the fax, but scotch both ends of the paper to each other creating a loop. The receivers fax will run out of paper.

Really not nice:

13. Do the same with a black paper. His fax will burn.

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14. Hit someone whenever you see a mini car or yellow car

15. Says someones name and if the look at you say one nil (Is that how you spell it ) then keep adding a number every time they look

Ie: Me:Bob!
(bob looks)
Me: 1 Nil
Me: Bob!
(Bob looks again)
Me: 2 Nil

Ect.. Ect!

16. Keep talking to yourself as if you have imaginary friends and pretend your talking about that person behind their back

17. Walk into Walls on person

18. Listen to music through headphones and sing to it really loudly out of tune

19. Take their palm, look at it, and say " I see dead people. "

And the list goes on...
27. Singing opera when you really really can't sing!

28. Constantly referring back to a previous conversation when everyone has already moved on

Yup, I'm guilty of that one, I assure!

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Hayles66 said:
27. Singing opera when you really really can't sing!

28. Constantly referring back to a previous conversation when everyone has already moved on

Yup, I'm guilty of that one, I assure!

sent with love from my iPad on IPF

Aha how funny :P
29. Repeating everything I say ( my students do that sometimes but a quick back hander works only kidding)

sent with love from my iPad on IPF
33. Saying loser and making the L shape against your head

Very annoying habit of my eldest.

Oh and 34. Slamming doors when you lose every argument!

sent with love from my iPad on IPF
35) ask your teens to elaborate on their 1 word answers for everything. Why? Because they probably don't know what elaborate means and and if they do they just find sharing with their parents to be a pain
36) when your teens speak in acronyms and shortcuts ask them what that means .
37) when studying school work with your children rearrange the questions on the study guide.
38) use an Android avatar on an Apple forum
39) use an Apple avatar on an Android forum

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