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New here and need help!!!!


iPF Noob
Ok so I have an I Pad 2 I think LOL My problem is it is currently the only computer access I have and I am trying to update my resume. It was sent to my email in a pdf and I put it in dropbox but I cannot for the life of me figure out how I can write on it. Please help do I need a different program or what?????
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I've moved your post to the iPad Help Forum, where it will receive more intention.

I've also deleted your second post on this topic, as duplicate posts can make it hard to follow the conversation when both posts receive replies. It's also against our forum rules.
You will need apps to read PDF files that you have in your mail boxes. IBook can read PDF files, but it doesn't give you tools to annotate on PDF, fortunately, there are dozen of good apps in the apps store which allow you to annotate on your PDF files.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
The main problem here is that a PDF is the electronic equivalent of a piece of paper. They are usually created in some other app, like Word or Pages, then converted to PDF for distribution. Applications that can actually edit (not just annotate) a PDF are rare, and usually limited in features. It won't be anything like editing a word-processing document.

That said, PDF Pen is probably the closest thing you'll get to what you want on the iPad. The computer version of this app can convert a PDF to a Word document (with some formatting loss). I scanned through the description for the iOS version and did not see this feature. But it does say it can edit a PDF.

I have not used PDF Pen myself; but have heard good things about it from some friends and acquaintances. There is both a basic and pro version, so read the descriptions carefully before deciding which, if either, to get. Visit their website as well, and ask any important questions there. Hopefully they have a good FAQ and feedback page.

Worst case, you should be able to copy&paste text from the PDF (using PDF Pen or another PDF app) to a new document, and create the resume again. This time in a format you'll have on hand, and be able to easily update.

Good luck.

P.S. Personally I use PDF Expert, which has fewer features than PDF Pen, but all the stuff I need, and I like how it works.
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