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New here, looking for a specifc app


iPF Noob
Hello there, this is my very first post. I have an iPad 2 for a couple of months now, but there's one thing to me that's missing: an app to archive and catalog articles with pictures from the web. On the Mac I had Journler, and with iPad I used to use Mail for that, but if the original site dies the images goes with it. Evernote is cool, but paying a monthly fee for offline reading? Nah. Also tried Pages, but it pastes only text, not the images.

Today I use PlainText to save articles in folders, but the obvious drawback is the impossibility to embed pictures in the file. Is there any solution to this? Bonus karma if it uses iCloud. :-)
I keep talking myself into and out of Circus Ponies Notebook, mostly because I have the Mac version and love it.

Pricy, but you might want to take a look; especially since you have a Mac. It will sync with the Mac version via DropBox.

I'm pretty sure there are other journal type apps that will do what you want, but I don't have one.
Thanks, but that app is way too expensive for a feature that I don't even know if it has. Evernote does it right: saves the article with the formatting and pictures, but having to pay a monthly fee for offline storage is ridiculous.

Is there ANY app that behaves like evernote, keeping the articles as they where published? I've found A LOT of text editors, but none can handle it right - even Pages!
I haven't run into one, if it exists. But I have not been looking. I'm almost always online (or can be with my hotspot), so the free Evernote account works for me.

Hopefully someone else with your requirements will chime it.

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