Hi have bought an ipad 3 16gb today and trying to figure out all the basics. Have an ipod touch so some things look familiar but not sure of other things. Sorry if these questions are dumb but your answers could save me hours of stumbling around! I want to use my ipad for emailing, social networking, listening to music and watching the odd film mainly. I live in the UK. Questions i have are:
Am travelling out to Turkey in a few weeks and dont have 3g - is it correct i can get a MIFI adaptor for a local sim card and if so any ideas which? Don't want to spend loads
What app is best to download to open windows docs, edit them, open pdf's etc?
How many devices can i link to an itunes account? I have my and my daughter's ipod touches on mine - can i add my ipad too?
Any applications i shouldn't be without?
I don't need an antivirus on the ipad do I?
Please be willing to explain in simple terms as my IT knowledge is limited
Thanks very much
Am travelling out to Turkey in a few weeks and dont have 3g - is it correct i can get a MIFI adaptor for a local sim card and if so any ideas which? Don't want to spend loads
What app is best to download to open windows docs, edit them, open pdf's etc?
How many devices can i link to an itunes account? I have my and my daughter's ipod touches on mine - can i add my ipad too?
Any applications i shouldn't be without?
I don't need an antivirus on the ipad do I?
Please be willing to explain in simple terms as my IT knowledge is limited
Thanks very much