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New iPad 3 user - the most frustrating 7 hours of my life.......

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Thanks AQ_OC, for posting that YouTube video. I always enjoy your responses and postings. You are very provoking. If every iPad came with. $100,000 salaried scientist, then I suppose frustrations with using this simple device would diminish.

All kidding aside, I am always stymied when I over clock myself thinking of a solution when the solution and the problem can be broken down into simple terms and addressing each concern individually and not jumping too far into assumptions. Seeing your YouTube link, resonates back to the very first lesson I learned. It is called The KISS Protocol. It works for solving problems, for learning new things, and for training people. I'm assuming every one knows this protocol, right? The iPad demonstrates that protocol very well.
It is called The KISS Protocol. It works for solving problems, for learning new things, and for training people. I'm assuming every one knows this protocol, right? The iPad demonstrates that protocol very well.

Thanks, Mattim...and for those who don't know about KISS...

S=Sam (another word substituted for the real)! :)
KevinJS said:
Doesn't take brilliance, just a bit of patience, and understanding that there are sometimes different approaches to getting the same thing done.

I decided when I got the iPad I wasn't going to jump in all at once installing apps,synching music and photos until I was comfortable with the device and how things work. The basic functions of the iPad offer plenty of uses. With a few apps and basic functionality I am using it a lot in my work now. I am very happy with it. I have a lot of music on my laptop and now want to add a limited amount to my iPad. I just didn't want iTunes to grab everything during setup to synch with the iPad.
jamby said:
iPad has an iTunes app loaded. Do I have to load iTunes on my iPad?

No. iTunes on the PC is for manipulating your iDevices. iTunes on the iPad is your gateway to the iTunes store.

I've used a lot of computers over the past few decades as a programmer, admin, consultant. I have nooooo problem learning new systems. I've been using the iPad for about eight months, and have found it very cool and moderately useful in a limited way. But Apple seems not to understand (or at least like) the concept that it's MY computer. Cool only goes so far. I want to be able to do what I damn please with my files, my processor, my i/o, and not be constantly thwarted by the masters in the mother ship.

So, ... Goodbye!
I've used a lot of computers over the past few decades as a programmer, admin, consultant. I have nooooo problem learning new systems. I've been using the iPad for about eight months, and have found it very cool and moderately useful in a limited way. But Apple seems not to understand (or at least like) the concept that it's MY computer. Cool only goes so far. I want to be able to do what I damn please with my files, my processor, my i/o, and not be constantly thwarted by the masters in the mother ship.

So, ... Goodbye!

If you want TO play with the goodies under the bonnet , jailbreak it.
The iPad isn't for any professional type tasks.. It's a toy for plebs.. There are many other devices that will work better for you in the professional world.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

had my ipad for about 2 months now & have finally realised that I must not compare it to my powerful 6 year old computer as it is just an entertainment device pure & simple! sure there are dozens of "apps" that can allegedly let you do anything a pc can do but really they are so cluncky & difficult to master you are better just sitting down at your pc if you have important work to do! Especially if you want to save the work!
Keep the ipad for surfing in front of the TV or in bed - its ideal for those situations.
As always, professional means different things to different people. Whether an iPad can be an important part of your job depends on what you need to do, under what circumstances, and whether the benefits of mobility outweigh the compromises of size and feature limited apps.

Unqualified statements about what the iPad "IS", are as useless as unqualified statements about what a computer is good for. After all, if I'm a bus driver, in what way is a PC better for work?

If you must say an iPad can't or won't work well for something, please be more specific than 'work'. You might as well say a shovel isn't really for work, only light gardening; which may be true for you, if your work happens to be moving mountains.
I don't think any of us on this forum are thinking of driving busses, gardening or even major earthmoving projects! What I am comparing the ipad to is an average pc's capabilities!
Perfect example just happened to me typing this- the complete text simply disappeared & I had to start over! hat wouldn't have happened on my PC!
There agin, I'm lying in bed so It would be a little difficult to do this using my desktop PC!
I don't think any of us on this forum are thinking of driving busses, gardening or even major earthmoving projects! What I am comparing the ipad to is an average pc's capabilities!
Perfect example just happened to me typing this- the complete text simply disappeared & I had to start over! hat wouldn't have happened on my PC!
There agin, I'm lying in bed so It would be a little difficult to do this using my desktop PC!

You've never lost data on a PC? You are a *very* lucky man, indeed.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I don't think any of us on this forum are thinking of driving busses, gardening or even major earthmoving projects! What I am comparing the ipad to is an average pc's capabilities!
Perfect example just happened to me typing this- the complete text simply disappeared & I had to start over! hat wouldn't have happened on my PC!
There agin, I'm lying in bed so It would be a little difficult to do this using my desktop PC!

The average PC's capabilities are of no consequence if your job doesn't require all those capabilities. What you need to do does not define what other's need to do when it comes to work. How you do it does not define the only good method.

I'm not attacking your choices of device, what work you do, or how you choose to do it; only your 'apparent' assumption that what, how, and why you use the iPad (or any device) somehow defines what an iPad is good for. You'll need more than general statements about 'work' to make that stick; because 'work' can mean just about anything.

As far as losing posts, the last time that happened to me I was on my iMac. And boy was I ticked. It was at least as long as this one looks to be.

There are too many variables to say the iPad is more dependable than the computer. It depends on where, how, and what you are doing. Posting directly to a website using the online editor is always a risk, no matter what device you are using. Using a specific app depends on that app. There are good and bad on all platforms.

As further proof that I'm not against what you are saying in specific, as opposed to your general assertions; I also prefer to do most of my typing on my desktop with a full keyboard. Only, I don't assume that other people consider this a key element of their 'work', or that they can't do well enough for their needs on an iPad keyboard, or find using a bluetooth keyboard with the iPad the right solutions.

In short. I don't' assume I'm an authority on how the iPad should be used. Instead, I find it fascinating to read about how people have been using their iPads; especially those cases where they find they don't really need a full computer after all.
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