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New iPad App: DocAS = Goodreader + Notes Plus

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iPF Noob
DocAS - PDF Converter,Annotate PDF, Take Notes and Good Reader

Free Lite version: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/docas-lite-pdf-notes-document/id451036875?mt=8

Download link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id437110885?mt=8
★★★★★ DocAS 6, More fantastic features ★★★★★
★ Shapes Recognition
★ Ruler Locator
★ Build-in PDF converter
★ Autosync to Dropbox
★ Capture from Web
★ Shape re-select and re-edit
★ Generate customized paper template
★ Auto-hide thumbnail bar when handwriting
★ Palm rest enhancement, auto-protect when handwriting
★ Rotate PDF page
Highlight Features:
★ Build-in PDF converter ★ PDF annotator ★ Note Taker ★ Capture from Web ★ Good Reader ★ Advanced Text Note ★ Handwriting ★ Audio Notes ★ PDF Export ★ Printing ★ PDF page organizer ...




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The app costs $5.

How can I test it then (especially when one user comment said it didn't even open after purchasing it)?

Should bring out a lite version for free or give the full version for free for few days.
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Thanks for your feedback
That "can not open" issue only happen on iPad3.2 device. We already initialized a emergency EP. Now it is in Apple review status.
Our current promotion codes are already run out. :(
For $1.99 it's a fair price for what it is now.
zoom is very slow, need dropbox. Keep up improving. Right now there are other apps that got it beat. I think that this app can make it to the top.
Thanks so much, Wizee

Thanks so much, Wizee
Your feedback is very helpful to us. We will continue to improve our App. We will have next 1.1 major feature enhancement release very soon. Performance and annotation part will have significant improvement. :)
wrist guard

I think this app has tremendous potential....from a teacher's perspective and a person who is teaching parents and staff how to use apps a video tutorial would be helpful.

Is there wristguard protection?

DROPBOX please!!

Ability to insert from the web... clips.

Choice of color for notebooks... special needs students do well with color coding.

Also agree it runs a bit sluggish...

I like the fact that is fairly intuitive... You will get my vote and publicity if the above is able to happen.

Thanks so much for your feedback.

Your evaluation about our App is really the biggest encouragement to our whole team.
Really appreciate.

Here is our update:
1. Wrist guard(Palm rest) will be in our major upgrade 1.1 release.
2. DropBox will be in 1.1 release as well.
3. Color palette is already in current release, you just need to double-tap the color palette to select color.
4. We will significantly improve our performance in 1.1 release.
5. Text, Shape move/resize/delete will be in 1.1 release as well.
6. Magic eraser will be in 1.1 release too.
Our 1.1 release will bring a big surprises to all friends. It is coming soon.

About insert other objects, we are still doing some research.

Thanks again.
9 Square Workshop
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Great app!!!

This is my evaluation:

The upper tool bar get lost behind the ipad's black bar.

Switching Between apps close yours notes.

Improve IHM when selecting tools. It is kind of hard to see what tool is selected.

Improve in performance, specially when in zoom.

Improve the translate to spanish. Like "Portatiles".

How can I change the thickness of the handwritting lines?

Good job!! It is a great app, and it will be better with a boost in performance. Hope this help. By the way I like your icon, but your loading message could be better.

Waiting for update, Paul.
Thanks so much, Paul
DocAS 2.0 is in App store now.
You can change the pen thickness by double-click color palette icon.
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