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New iPad App: DocAS = Goodreader + Notes Plus

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Thanks so much for your support.
We will try our best to improve our App.
If any suggestions, would you please give us a review and put them in review. Really appreciate.
Simple question. Does it manage docs and pics already ON the iPad? I'm finding many apps are great if you have a new iPad at importing new files but offer no way to manage the hundreds of files/pics already installed...... Thx.
Thanks so much for your feedback.
If your pictures and docs are in Photo Albums, we can import them.
But if those pic and docs are in other dozens of different third party Apps, we can not support it because Apple doesn't allow it. If other Apps provide "Open in" feature. You can use this feature to open docs in our App.
Some additions to make it a killer app...
1) Improved Note taking capabilities: Even if you were to include a notes application like the standard notepad on the Ipad it would improve the user experience. The way it is now, it is hard to type notes and go back to edit them. The stylus function is great, but i prefer to type my notes. The Noterize app is a nice combination of your current notebook and the standard Ipad Notes app which i think is a good compromise.
2) I love the "Send page by email function." It would be good if on the slide bar below, you could check off additional pages to include in email - in case you wanted to include more than one in the email.
3) The interface is very easy to use. However, I now have many folders running across the bottom of the screen. And the two options for document lists are user friendly but both options have large icons. My suggesion would be a third look - which is more of a list system. Folders down the left hand side and list of documents down the right. Very similar to the look of ReaddleDocs. This makes the management of a large number of documents and folders easier.
4) Improved highlighting functionality like Goodreader for pdfs.
5) Bookmark function missing
6) Potential for accessing more than one dropbox or googledocs account without logging off of the one account you have.

This has the potential to be the best app on the market. I just needs some slight alterations.
billyho99 said:
Some additions to make it a killer app...
1) Improved Note taking capabilities: Even if you were to include a notes application like the standard notepad on the Ipad it would improve the user experience. The way it is now, it is hard to type notes and go back to edit them. The stylus function is great, but i prefer to type my notes. The Noterize app is a nice combination of your current notebook and the standard Ipad Notes app which i think is a good compromise.
2) I love the "Send page by email function." It would be good if on the slide bar below, you could check off additional pages to include in email - in case you wanted to include more than one in the email.
3) The interface is very easy to use. However, I now have many folders running across the bottom of the screen. And the two options for document lists are user friendly but both options have large icons. My suggesion would be a third look - which is more of a list system. Folders down the left hand side and list of documents down the right. Very similar to the look of ReaddleDocs. This makes the management of a large number of documents and folders easier.
4) Improved highlighting functionality like Goodreader for pdfs.
5) Bookmark function missing
6) Potential for accessing more than one dropbox or googledocs account without logging off of the one account you have.

This has the potential to be the best app on the market. I just needs some slight alterations.

Why have you posted twice??
billyho99 said:
Some additions to make it a killer app...
1) Improved Note taking capabilities: Even if you were to include a notes application like the standard notepad on the Ipad it would improve the user experience. The way it is now, it is hard to type notes and go back to edit them. The stylus function is great, but i prefer to type my notes. The Noterize app is a nice combination of your current notebook and the standard Ipad Notes app which i think is a good compromise.
2) I love the "Send page by email function." It would be good if on the slide bar below, you could check off additional pages to include in email - in case you wanted to include more than one in the email.
3) The interface is very easy to use. However, I now have many folders running across the bottom of the screen. And the two options for document lists are user friendly but both options have large icons. My suggesion would be a third look - which is more of a list system. Folders down the left hand side and list of documents down the right. Very similar to the look of ReaddleDocs. This makes the management of a large number of documents and folders easier.
4) Improved highlighting functionality like Goodreader for pdfs.
5) Bookmark function missing
6) Potential for accessing more than one dropbox or googledocs account without logging off of the one account you have.

This has the potential to be the best app on the market. I just needs some slight alterations.

Why have you posted twice??

I didnt know if the developer would be checking both threads
Thanks so much for your great suggestions, Billy
These suggestions really help to improve our App to be best.
We will try our best to enhance ASAP.

Thanks again
I got it the other day and liked the interface. Haven't had much time to try it out though. I thought the sale was over. ;)
Thanks so much for your support.
We are working on another major upgrade release. We wish our App can provide best value to our customers. :)
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