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New ipad blue hue (ipad 3)

Turn of the lights and put a completely white image at full screen. Then hold the ipad in landscape mode and look a the left and right edges there should be around 2mm of slight blue hue.
Where in the world are you? I have read that LG is making ipad screen now, and maybe even one other company.
Turn of the lights and put a completely white image at full screen. Then hold the ipad in landscape mode and look a the left and right edges there should be around 2mm of slight blue hue.

Doing this exercise is calling for trouble !! is this how a Normal use of iPad is supposed to be ? You will unnecessarily create cloud of Doubts doing this stunt. It will ruin your happiness. Take it from Personal Experience :-)
deme87 said:
Turn of the lights and put a completely white image at full screen. Then hold the ipad in landscape mode and look a the left and right edges there should be around 2mm of slight blue hue.

Is this blue hue noticeable when using the iPad at normal brightness levels or when looking at anything other than a blank white screen?
deme87 said:
Turn of the lights and put a completely white image at full screen. Then hold the ipad in landscape mode and look a the left and right edges there should be around 2mm of slight blue hue.

This sounds like an optical illusion and not a problem with the iPad.
Definitely not an optical illusion!! I managed to exchange it and the guy there also confirmed the blue hue. The only reason i said to check it under darkness is so that the effect is more visible. In my case it was well visible under normal lighting conditions too!!! I think these newer retina displays are not the best when it comes to backlit!!
The problem can't be widespread,though as you Were the only person on this thread that had even heard of it.
Definitely not an optical illusion!! I managed to exchange it and the guy there also confirmed the blue hue. The only reason i said to check it under darkness is so that the effect is more visible. In my case it was well visible under normal lighting conditions too!!! I think these newer retina displays are not the best when it comes to backlit!!

Did he give you a new sealed box unit or did he give you another unit but open ?
deme87 said:
Hey guys since it was after the 14 day period he gave me one without a box still looks nw. If you check this thread then you can see that at least one more person has the problem https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3930955?start=0&tstart=0 which means that most people might have not noticed it yet!!

It seems the problem is one of perception in that some people see the problem,while others looking at the same iPad don't.

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