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New iPad, looking for back cover and more...


iPF Novice
I just bit the bullet and bought the New iPad after two years with the first generation model.

I already have the Incase Origami workstation stand that holds the Apple BT keyboard in place and acts as prop for the iPad. I'd like to find an alternative case that could hold the BT in place and also enclose the iPad in a propped position. The Origami workstation stand doesn't hold the iPad in place, not good for a clumbsy guy like me, lol!

This also leaves me wanting a back cover to prevent scratches. I don't think I'll need a screen protector (or do I?). I believe Zagg makes a back cover
/ screen cover combo.

Thanks in advance!
May not be able to help your main question, but, ZAGG..,. My old iPhone screen saver was .... Worn out and I spent out on a fitted front and back ZAGG whilst in the US a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly clear and very, very, very tough. I actually demonstrate to friends by scratching (the back, I'm not that couragess!) it with keys - hard ! . Very highly recommended and well worth the money; as soon as I get a pad a 'ZAGG' is going straight on ! (-and no I don't work for the company !)
May not be able to help your main question, but, ZAGG..,. My old iPhone screen saver was .... Worn out and I spent out on a fitted front and back ZAGG whilst in the US a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly clear and very, very, very tough. I actually demonstrate to friends by scratching (the back, I'm not that couragess!) it with keys - hard ! . Very highly recommended and well worth the money; as soon as I get a pad a 'ZAGG' is going straight on ! (-and no I don't work for the company !)

Agreed 100%, even though im not big fan of screen protectors.
Yes and I'm not a fan of screen guard as well,for the stand back case for iPad 3, I'm using a transformers style pouch which have a stand at back
I have the Zagg HD front/back combo on its way to my now. I plan on using the Apple Smart cover along with the Incipio Smart Feather Ultralight Hard Shell, which is arriving tomorrow. I'm thinking that is going to work for me perfect...for now.
LOVE the incipio! I have them in pink and red. They are terrific. I also have a red zagg folio for times I need a keyboard
I have 5 really cheap different color back covers that works with the smart cover. With whatever mood I'm in (rugged, formal, or sexy), I can easily change the back cover with a different color. Besides, it'll last. If it ever the over get scratched, it's cheap to replace.
Is that SMART enough?
I found a Belkin Snap Shield at Best Buy for the 3rd gen iPad for $29.99. It is not on their website yet. The model # is F8N744TTC01. It fits great, but not the prettiest cover either. It is clear plastic, but some areas are more transparent than others. It works with the smart covers ok. I guess it was a quick production run by Belkin, lol! At least my new toy is protected...

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