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New iPad mini!


iPF Noob
It's been a while since I've bought one.
My daughter turns 3 this weekend. She's been asking for a mini for a few months. She currently has an iPad 1st gen. My son has a mini and she prefers to use it. The iPad is pretty big for her.

So our 3 year old now owns the nicest iDevice in the house.
I opened it today to load some software on it. I was very impressed with it. Weight, size, design, etc all seemed perfect.

I'm excited to mess around with the new A7 processor. I'm also happy that Apple put the same chip in the newest iPad and the newest mini.
Believe it or not this is what I'm going to use.
It's made by Poetic and sold on Amazon for only 10$.
My 5 year old son has one on his mini and it's been dropped on the concrete a couple of times with zero damage to the mini.

My daughter wants a purple case so I got her this one. I really can't believe these cases are only $10 and shipped for free (Prime).
My son is actually on his second one. The first one was dropped so many times it cracked and he asked for a new one.

But both my son and daughter and very careful with their iDevices for the most part. I did catch my daughter (2 years old) once skating around the living room rug with an iPod touch under each foot. The 4th gen touches with the very smooth steel bottom. It was so cute I couldn't get too mad. Neither touch was damaged.

And I would never consider giving her this new iPad mini without the Applecare+ warranty. I buy Applecare+ on everything I buy nowadays. I wonder can you extend it after the two years is up?

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