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New Ipad Owner Here - Greetings to All!


I've moved your new thread to your existing one, as it's discussing the same question. Posting the same question in two different threads will make it hard to follow, and can fragment the resulting conversation. Please keep questions or posts about this topic to one thread only! Thank you!
To all who responded,

Thank you for your detailed responses. I noticed that most everyone seems to be content with the Ipad's native encryption feature and so no one indicated that they have purchased/used any other commercial Data Wiper software and therefore could not really comment on the products themselves (one exception).

Previously to starting this thread, I had indeed Googled for IOS Data Wiper Software and there were several products that appeared in my search. I read through some of them and it was because of that
(reading about the manufacturer's claims about what their products can actually do) reason
that I started this thread - to see if anyone had ever heard of these products and maybe even tried them.

J.A. the reason I started the second thread in another forum (Ipad Air 2 forum), I thought that maybe some of the folks in a different forum other than the one I originally posted in might be able to offer some
feedback. Sorry about creating unnecessary confusion and extra work for the moderators.

Again, thanks for all who took the time and effort to respond.

Best Regards,


P.S Especially appreciated scifan57's response!
To all who responded,

Thank you for your detailed responses. I noticed that most everyone seems to be content with the Ipad's native encryption feature and so no one indicated that they have purchased/used any other commercial Data Wiper software and therefore could not really comment on the products themselves (one exception).

Previously to starting this thread, I had indeed Googled for IOS Data Wiper Software and there were several products that appeared in my search. I read through some of them and it was because of that
(reading about the manufacturer's claims about what their products can actually do) reason
that I started this thread - to see if anyone had ever heard of these products and maybe even tried them.

J.A. the reason I started the second thread in another forum (Ipad Air 2 forum), I thought that maybe some of the folks in a different forum other than the one I originally posted in might be able to offer some
feedback. Sorry about creating unnecessary confusion and extra work for the moderators.

Again, thanks for all who took the time and effort to respond.

Best Regards,


P.S Especially appreciated scifan57's response!

Robs58 - glad that your like SciFan..'s reply but several of us also made posts that required some research and thought that contributed to basically refuting your need for this apparent FBI approach to iPad security (right or wrong?) - may I ask 'why' you seem to need this degree of protecting your data?

I was on PCs for 30+ years and gave away or donated a number of DOS/Windows computers - I always used software to really WIPE my hard drives - if you're coming from this 'scary world', then take a deep breath, you have MUCH less to fear in 'Apple Land' - just saying. Dave :)
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Robs58 - glad that your like SciFan..'s reply but several of us also made posts that required some research and thought that contributed to basically refuting your need for this apparent FBI approach to iPad security (right or wrong?) - may I ask 'why' you seem to need this degree of protecting your data?

I was on PCs for 30+ years and gave away or donated a number of DOS/Windows computers - I always used software to really WIPE my hard drives - if you're coming from this 'scary world', then take a deep breath, you have MUCH less to fear in 'Apple Land' - just saying. Dave :)


The request for enhanced security stemmed from the loss (theft, actually) of my wife's Ipad
from several years ago. She had some important documents that were on the Ipad and have no way of knowing whether they were compromised or not. So, I decided I didn't want to ever take a risk like that again.

The request for enhanced security stemmed from the loss (theft, actually) of my wife's Ipad from several years ago. She had some important documents that were on the Ipad and have no way of knowing whether they were compromised or not. So, I decided I didn't want to ever take a risk like that again.

Hi again Robs58 - well, your opening posts are in retrospect misleading relative to the statement above about your wife's iPad being likely stolen - these are different issues, i.e wiping an iPad before sale or donation vs. prevention of a stolen iPad being broken into to gather a user's personal information. We should have known your concern from the beginning.

As to your new explanation, there are plenty of options these days to prevent gathering of data from a stolen iPad; just to mention a few: 1) Passcode can be set to 6 digits (vs. four); 2) Fingerprint ID is great; 3) Number of attempts at entering a passcode can be set at a low number to then erase the iPad; and 4) 'Find my iDevice' if activated allows one to remotely erase an iPad - there may be others to consider, but your information should be safe and removable if a theft occurs. Dave :)

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