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New iPad user with a question about videos


iPF Noob
I can't get videos to play when I visit web sites. For example I like to play post game videos at colts.com on my home computer and they won't play on my ipad. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
There are probably formatted in the Adobe Flash format and the iPad doesn't support Flash. You could try SkyFire, on the apps store, I understand that you pick a video from the site in SkyFire and it first converts if from Flash to HTML5, which the Ipad can play, and then sends it down to you a few seconds later. On your PC, if you right click on the video, you will see if it's done in Adobe Flash listed, if it is, try SkyFire.
Thanks. I assume when you say skyfire you mean the skyfire web browser. the browser was the only skyfire app I was able to find. Thanks again.

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