iPF Noob
j0yful said:
read the thread, it only affects those devices that were bought in UAE. that is something.
Well, that is something.
So there is a workaround.
When the iPad is restored from outside the UAE, it installs FaceTime, even when going back into the UAE will FaceTime stay connected.
So what needs to be done is the following:
-go to and setup an account, just use any random address and pick No payment method.
- in iTunes, select Store->Deauthorize this computer and remove your UAE account
Now we need to fool iTunes into thinking you are outside UAE
- download a VPN software. works fine and is what I use often
-install it, then run and click connect
-when the icon turns green, go back to iTunes, connect the iPad and hit restore/upgrade.
When the iPad is restored, it should have FaceTime.
So finally, reactivate your UAE apple ID via Store->Authorize this computer.
The part of removing the UAE account may not be necessary, I just included it to be safe.