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New iPad2 but no FaceTime?

j0yful said:

read the thread, it only affects those devices that were bought in UAE. that is something.

Well, that is something.

So there is a workaround.

When the iPad is restored from outside the UAE, it installs FaceTime, even when going back into the UAE will FaceTime stay connected.

So what needs to be done is the following:

-go to apple.com/uk and setup an account, just use any random address and pick No payment method.
- in iTunes, select Store->Deauthorize this computer and remove your UAE account

Now we need to fool iTunes into thinking you are outside UAE
- download a VPN software. hotspotshield.com works fine and is what I use often
-install it, then run and click connect
-when the icon turns green, go back to iTunes, connect the iPad and hit restore/upgrade.

When the iPad is restored, it should have FaceTime.
So finally, reactivate your UAE apple ID via Store->Authorize this computer.

The part of removing the UAE account may not be necessary, I just included it to be safe.
Lennyp said:
Yes that's me as I purchased it yesterday @ Dubai Mall. FYI I used my old Australian Apple ID when setting it up & updating the IOS. Not happy!

In that case, just run hotspotshield on your computer and restore/update your iPad and FaceTime will be there.
iPad 2 from authorized distributors here in the UAE will not have the FACETIME app, they are blocked by the serial number of the ipads same as the iphone4 before that are from the authorized distributors also. So even if you update to latest firmware it will not be available. The only solution is to buy from the Grey market or buy from other countries that supports FACETIME. I bought my ipad 2 from souq.com (Grey Market) before the official launch and my ipad has the FACETIME app, I even updated it to 4.3.2 and I still retains the facetime app.. the only problem is Etisalat is blocking the VOIP port so still I can not use it..I managed to activate the facetime but the calls are not going through...but at least the app is there so if I go back to the Philippines I will be able to use it. So once again FACETIME app is blocked as per the serial numbers of the ipads here in the UAE, so once the firmware detects the the serial number, it will not install FACETIME.
iPad 2 from authorized distributors here in the UAE will not have the FACETIME app, they are blocked by the serial number of the ipads same as the iphone4 before that are from the authorized distributors also. So even if you update to latest firmware it will not be available. The only solution is to buy from the Grey market or buy from other countries that supports FACETIME. I bought my ipad 2 from souq.com (Grey Market) before the official launch and my ipad has the FACETIME app, I even updated it to 4.3.2 and I still retains the facetime app.. the only problem is Etisalat is blocking the VOIP port so still I can not use it..I managed to activate the facetime but the calls are not going through...but at least the app is there so if I go back to the Philippines I will be able to use it. So once again FACETIME app is blocked as per the serial numbers of the ipads here in the UAE, so once the firmware detects the the serial number, it will not install FACETIME.
I did restore my Ipad, which I bought from Dubai Mall, there is no FaceTime.... Will wait for Jailbreak and cracked FT..
Facetime is working through VPN here in UAE...we've tested it. Both parties should be on a VPN if they are both here in UAE.
for those in the UAE that has no facetime you can try these:

If you can borrow an iPad 2 with facetime app (grey market one) make a BACKUP from your pc of this ipad, then UPGRADE/RESTORE your ipad2 with 4.3.2 firmware. Once done restore the BACKUP of the ipad2 that has the facetime app. This way all the software and .plist settings will be restored to your iPad2. Goodluck and hope this will work.
j0yful said:
I dont think there is restriction. Im not totally sure, but among the UAE states. Dubai is the lax when it comes to rules. And I have use facetime with some contacts who are in Saudi Arabia at the time.

Btw, you are not on 3G are you? I remembered facetime connects via wifi only. (unless it has been change)

might be down to the network provider? some might charge extra for the privilege and have it locked down

I.e. 3G model from O2 will have an O2 icon etc
Ipad 2: Facetime in UAE is prevented by the model number

It's silly but that's the fact. Facetime in UAE is prevented by the model number of Ipad2. Go in settings and see the model number, if it has AE as the last two characters you would not have Facetime. Apple's software is the same but it has a check on the model number, and accordingly either install or does not install Facetime.

If you are able to engineer and change the model number to a Facetime permitted region you can install it without any problem.

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