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Would you kind folks tell a newbie how I can scan a document on my desk top scanner and import it into my ipad, not even sure this is possible,and or if I can use dropbox or buy an app to import documents, I have several paper copies I would like to get into my ipad some how................thank you & good luck
Hi jstout-scan it to your PC. Than the easiest way to get it to your iPad is to email it to yourself and open the attachment on your iPad. You can open it thru your iBooks, or other apps-such as Goodreader or Evernote (free). Hope this helps you.


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Thank you Skimonkey, I will try the email trick, hope I can figure it out, I appreciate the info.
thanks again & Good luck
Well, I got it emailed to my ipad and looks like I could open it with the app"songbook" but when I get into songbook it is not there, what part am i not doing, looked like it was gonna work good, must be one more step Im not doing ?
If you want to go the dropbox app, just download a document app that connects to dropbox. There are a ton of them just search the android market.
What I do is scan or print the document as a PDF file, then I email this document to my email address. When I open the email and try to open the document on the Ipad it will ask you which application you want to open it with (the number and name of applications may vary according to applications installed on Ipad that can open PDF files). iBooks can open pdf files but personally i use PDF Reader.

Hope this helps you!!
You can get USB lite ( free) or the pro version and add the .pdf file via itunes and open it on your ipad. I use the pro version and normally open it with Upad or notes, numbers or keynote depending on what the document is

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