Won a 32gb, 3G iPad... Life is good. I only registered to post the info below (cross-post from news forum) about the grandfathered unlimited plan as it seemed not to be anywhere on the web.... My UID # might get me to stick around for a little. 
"I won a 3G iPad last Friday. I have yet to sign up for 3G access and it does give me the unlimited option... I called apple to discuss how the grandfathering actually works, here's the scoop:
The only way to keep the unlimited plan is to sign up for it and never cancel. As soon as you sign up for another option or cancel the unlimited plan (if you already have it) the option will go away and never return.
Bottom line is that if you have it and want it, don't cancel it... I registered just to post this as I spent a while searching the web and there were no specific posts.
Personally, I'm going to wait a little while longer to make my decision.... Might not buy any plan and keep the "collectors item" version. I figure that I won't need a plan once I upgrade to the iPhone 4... I'm still on the 2g dinosaur
I hope others find this info useful."

"I won a 3G iPad last Friday. I have yet to sign up for 3G access and it does give me the unlimited option... I called apple to discuss how the grandfathering actually works, here's the scoop:
The only way to keep the unlimited plan is to sign up for it and never cancel. As soon as you sign up for another option or cancel the unlimited plan (if you already have it) the option will go away and never return.
Bottom line is that if you have it and want it, don't cancel it... I registered just to post this as I spent a while searching the web and there were no specific posts.
Personally, I'm going to wait a little while longer to make my decision.... Might not buy any plan and keep the "collectors item" version. I figure that I won't need a plan once I upgrade to the iPhone 4... I'm still on the 2g dinosaur
I hope others find this info useful."