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New member - seeking advice before buying new iPad


iPF Noob
I'm new here.

I work in IT but have never used an Apple product before, however I happen to be in the market for a tablet...
At first I was only considering Android devices, as I was told there were many limitations with iPads, but then I realized most Android tablets were low quality, especially when it comes to the screen.

I could recently compare an iPad 2 with an iPad 3 (new iPad, I know...) and the latter is so much better in terms of readability of text (e.g. magazines).
I would use the iPad for many purposes, like watching tv series, reading magazines, surfing the web, playing the occasional game (no FPS probably), possibly using maps offline.

Now, the iPad 3 price puts me off buying it but, having read about some tricks to expand its storage, I might go for the 16GB, wi-fi only, version (this would be as much as my wallet can afford).

- My main doubt is:
if I buy an iPad 3 now, assuming it comes with ios 6, will I be able to downgrade it and then jailbreak it?

- Also, what do you think the iPad 4 will bring to the table next year? is it worth waiting for upcoming announcements from Apple? I tend to believe the iPad 3 is a good choice, future proof wise, but I'm no expert!

thanks in advance :)
Well I have just bought a 3rd gen iPad & it is the best tablet I have owned & as you can see from my signature, that is a fair few. :)

As far as downgrading and then Jailbreaking - the answer to that is no. If it comes with iOS6 you will be stuck with it.
But, let me recommend that IMO Jailbreaking is not necessary. I use Personal Cloud Storage in the form of NAS & using that combined with the app FileBrowser has meant that I have no issues with accessibility or space.

As far as waiting goes, you are half way through Apple's annual cycle, so if you do wait it will be until next March time. There will always be something newer just around the corner. :)
Don't worry with the Jailbreaking issue, I think iOS6 Jailbreak will arrive very soon.

Definitely an iPad 4 is worth waiting for. However if you cannot wait in about 5 months or so, you should get an iPad 3. My father has one, and believe me, you will never regret to buy it. Its high-resolution screen is the killer-feature that I think it would take such a long time for competitor to catch up with.
We don't really know what will be the features of iPad 4....but here is what I would like to see.
1) Lighter weight & longer battery life
2) More storage (128GB version)
3) Fingerprint reader for the lock screen (just swipe your finger to get inside).
4) A screen that doesn't catch so many fingerprints.
5) Greater volume

I'm sure it will be faster and have more ram memory, too. And enhancements to iOS (including maps, dictation, and siri).

I hope they never got to a 16:9 format, though. I will be royally upset if they do that.

Frankly, I think the product category as matured, as far as features go. Making it less expensive so more people can get one is really where this ought to be going.
Well I have just bought a 3rd gen iPad & it is the best tablet I have owned & as you can see from my signature, that is a fair few. :)

As far as downgrading and then Jailbreaking - the answer to that is no. If it comes with iOS6 you will be stuck with it.
But, let me recommend that IMO Jailbreaking is not necessary. I use Personal Cloud Storage in the form of NAS & using that combined with the app FileBrowser has meant that I have no issues with accessibility or space.

As far as waiting goes, you are half way through Apple's annual cycle, so if you do wait it will be until next March time. There will always be something newer just around the corner. :)

thanks, and as you own so many tablets, I am very curious to know whether any of those can handle a three column magazine without having to zoom in (the iPad 2 can't, the new iPad can, effortlessly, imho).
I guess tablets with 1280*800 perform better than iPad 2?
Don't worry with the Jailbreaking issue, I think iOS6 Jailbreak will arrive very soon.

As far as downgrading and then Jailbreaking - the answer to that is no. If it comes with iOS6 you will be stuck with it.
But, let me recommend that IMO Jailbreaking is not necessary. I use Personal Cloud Storage in the form of NAS & using that combined with the app FileBrowser has meant that I have no issues with accessibility or space.

I like being able to take my files with me, also I heard you can do so much more with a Jailbroken iPad.
It's legal and for free, also iOS 6 is annoying at the moment (Apple maps need huge improvement) = no brainer for me, especially not owning an alternative Android based tablet.
We don't really know what will be the features of iPad 4....but here is what I would like to see.
1) Lighter weight & longer battery life
2) More storage (128GB version)
3) Fingerprint reader for the lock screen (just swipe your finger to get inside).
4) A screen that doesn't catch so many fingerprints.
5) Greater volume

I'm sure it will be faster and have more ram memory, too. And enhancements to iOS (including maps, dictation, and siri).

I hope they never got to a 16:9 format, though. I will be royally upset if they do that.

Frankly, I think the product category as matured, as far as features go. Making it less expensive so more people can get one is really where this ought to be going.

Thanks for your reply (and to zunex too as I forgot it, sorry).
I don't see the lack of any of those features as deal breaker, to be honest (I might second point 5 although I heard of nice amplifiers, and point 3 I doubt it'll come with iPad 4?), maybe with time one tends to want more and more, but to me a fast processor, responsive screen and retina display seem to be just what I need... :)
Thanks for your reply (and to zunex too as I forgot it, sorry).
I don't see the lack of any of those features as deal breaker, to be honest (I might second point 5 although I heard of nice amplifiers, and point 3 I doubt it'll come with iPad 4?), maybe with time one tends to want more and more, but to me a fast processor, responsive screen and retina display seem to be just what I need... :)

Then you will be happy with the iPad 3. I love mine and have four tablets at the moment (gave #5 for my brother). I agree with you on #4, but Apple bought a company that specialized in fingerprint reading, so I imagine what will be using that...and biometrics would be quick and fast.

The 2012 iPad is great for reading magazines and PDFs formated for 8.5 x 11inch pages, textbook, etc. And images are gorgeous.
Welcome to our forums. I have owned all the tablets and currently have the iPad 2 and 3. I use the iPad 3 7/24 for everything from reading the news, banking, invoicing gaming reading mags , surfing the net etc etc. Battery life around 12 hours when under extreme use
iOS 6 is fantastic so please do not get hung up on so called issues. The media loves to make money by copy cat articles about issues that users have. The maps for me are fine. and I know they will improve. Wifi has worked with out issues and at many hot spots. The cost of ownership is small compared to any mobile computer and well worth the investment

Hope that helps
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