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Hi my name is Lesley (spelt without the "ie" for female in NZ) and I have had the nickname Lillyput for as long as I can remember. I live in Gisborne New Zealand and we are due for the Ipad3 release here on 23rd March. I am still debating whether to get one or not so please reply to my thread "To buy or not to buy"
I am 55 years old. Married for 30 years next month . I have two children and soon to be three granddaughters as the new granddaughter is due in June.
I look forward to meeting you through this forum.
Hi lillyput-so nice of you to hip join the forum! I saw your other thread. I have the iPad 2-which I purchased last September. So I am not due for one until next year if not later...if I can hold out that long! Hope you find your decision-I'm sure whichever it is will be a good one for you!

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