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New Survey Finds That Using iPads Boosts Student Performance


iPadForums News Team

TUAW has an exclusive report today on a new survey carried out by the ACU Connected mobile learning program at Abilene Christian University, which has recently been studying the advantages for students of using the iPad, as part of a wider-three year study designed to look into the advantages of student mobility with the new generation of technical devices that are available to them. As TUAW notes, the results are very positive for the iPad and Apple. For example, one study found that those students who used their iPad to annotate text scored 25% higher on questions about information transfer than their classmates who only used pen and paper. In another study of ACU’s first all-digital class, the researchers found that the iPad helps students to be more time-efficient, as well as promoting “learning moments†(whatever they are!). Another positive finding was that graduate students using an online program reported a 95% satisfaction rate for their iPad-based coursework. Some all-round very impressive figures there indeed for Apple!

Source: iPad-enabled students get performance boost, says ACU study | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

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