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The iPad has managed to carve its way into every imaginable field. It is imported into schools, into hospitals and even into the Military. The news about this survey shouldn’t be a shock to most of us.
ChangeWave has recently conducted a survey which included a 1,604 IT personnel. Each of the people involved in the study were in charge of making acquisitions within their department. What the researchers wanted to know was what kind of tablet these individuals would be inclined to buy if they would be interested to purchasing such an object. The results were pretty impressive. Out of those employees who were thinking of making a purchase, 84% of them said that they would most likely be choosing the iPad. Even so, we have to consider the fact that only 22% of the surveyed companies stated that they were looking to make a mass purchase in order to provide an iPad for their employees. This response might be blamed on the fact that the next generation iPad is expected to arrive on the market very soon and businesses might reconsider their position then.
Other companies offering their tablet services didn’t fare out so well in the survey. The traditional technology provider for enterprises managed to snatch only a very weak 3% of the tablet demand. You might be wondering who came second after Apple. Samsung did, but with a miserable 8% score. Other companies that managed to get into the top were HP with 4%, Asus with 3% and Dell with 3%.
By Radu
Source: Survey: iPads the choice of 84% of companies buying tablets | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog