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New user-wants to download books


iPF Noob
Hello there, just got my new iPad for Christmas and learning how to use it. I've had an iPhone for a year now, so I'm familiar with all the features they have in common. I want to read books on my iPad. What is the best way to do this? I tried the nook app and that didn't work. Safari can't download the files and if I updated the library through the nook app, books would start to download then freeze. :mad: Rather than waste another hour or two with a different app, I thought I'd seek out other iPad users and find out what most people are finding success with. Thanks for your help.:D
Free iBooks from Apple

You can download a considerable number of free iBooks. Do a search for FREE and other variations of the iBook store.



Tip many of those free iBooks look like crap when displayed on your book shelf.

One the desktop find the iBook in iTunes -> books.

Select INFO and notice there is a tab with a place to drop artwork.

Do a search in FIREFOX for that book under images. Find a nice one, drag mouse and select only that image, right click and select COPY.

Go to iTunes again and in the area for the cover art PASTE.

When you sync your Free iBook will look great with the cover of your choosing.

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