I'm really enjoying the IPad 2 and of course want to get the most out of it. One thing I'm looking for is to use it in meetings where I can take notes. Any suggestions?
Well, the iPad 2 comes w/ a 'Notes' app that can be used for that purpose or a 'word processing' program can be added, such as Pages (which simulates Microsoft Word but of course w/ much less power and fewer features) - if you plan to take a LOT of notes quickly, then the on-screen keyboard will likely be frustrating - so another option is to obtain a BT (Bluetooth) keyboard; I use Apple's version which works well for me, but many choices are available - good luck!
Thank you. I did download Pages and think it is great. I have also used Notes. I was actually looking for an app where I could take notes using my finger to write or a stylus pen. Any suggestions?
Thank you. I did download Pages and think it is great. I have also used Notes. I was actually looking for an app where I could take notes using my finger to write or a stylus pen. Any suggestions?
OK - that was not stated in your OP - sorry. You might want to take a look at PenultimateHERE; just a $1 purchase from the App Store - have the program on my iPad; not easy to make really small letters w/ your finger so a good stylus would likely be helpful - good luck!
Addendum: Please take a look at THIS NEW THREAD - just noticed the post while browsing the 'Active Topics' - might be a consideration also for you (a $5 purchase from the App Store).
Yes, i apologize for not clarifying. I do appreciate all your help and will download the app. Thanks again and I will definitely continue to use this forum. Take care.